In the immortal words of Slim Pickens "...what in the wide, wide, world of sports is a- going on here!" I didn't get the memo that it was okay to murder the King's English by redefining, misusing, or mispronouncing words. There is a lot of directions I could go here, but I'll start with the homosexual community, as they seem to enjoy the limelight.
When did they hijack the words queer, gay, and rainbow? Meaning, they took these words from the common vernacular, and stashed them in their own perverted lexicon. We watch a lot of old movies (as this is pretty much the only way to enjoy relatively clean entertainment out of Hollywood). And when I say old, I mean old - 30's/40's, Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur old. Anyway, it is not uncommon to hear gay or queer used to describe people, places, or things. However, their usage has no association with sexuality (let alone perverted sex), like it does today. Rainbow is a bit different, being a noun. The definition hasn't changed, as much as the association. When once anyone (especially children) could display rainbows, usually evoking wistfulness, optimism, etc., now it's associated with ... you guessed it.
Now of course, these days if you communicate any displeasure with anything even remotely associated with homosexuality you're labeled intolerant and/or homophobic (and that's putting it mildly). Let's explore the adjectives intolerant and homophobic. They illustrate how homosexuals reinvent the English language. It's pretty clear that America has been tolerant of their lifestyle. We tolerate their perverted activities, just as we tolerated drunks, adulterers, cheats, blasphemers, etc. God will not tolerate them (short of His Saving Grace), but we do. Intolerance isn't disagreeing with or decrying their behavior; that is opposition. They have tolerance - what they really want is affirmation.
The other point is that opposition is not synonymous with fear (phobia). I'm not homophobic because I oppose homosexuality any more than I'm a heterophobe for opposing adultery. I'm not sure homophobia can really be used properly, as I doubt anyone is afraid of all homosexuals like arachnophobes are afraid of all spiders - come on; who's afraid of Elton John?
I understand they want a different word than homosexual to refer to themselves; it's pretty clinical, and (probably more importantly) they want to distance themselves from the clear Biblical condemnation against the practice. But leave our words alone - make up your own (Rich Hall did it all the time), if you must. Suggestion: instead of gay, say you're yag. It's backwards, but still kind of cute - and it can be all yours!
Queer is a little trickier, as someone living a homosexual lifestyle definitely is acting queer - but that doesn't make them a queer. Point being that we can all act queer (odd), but nobody can be a queer, anymore than someone can be an odd. I'm not sure you need to invent a word here; just use it properly. And remember: every homosexual is queer, but not necessarily gay.
Regarding the rainbow; the problem is more complex. Not only do I object to the unfortunate association with the homosexual community, but also there seems to be some ignorance as to it's origin in the Bible signifying God's promise to mankind. So homosexuals claiming it as a de facto "logo" for their "movement" is especially galling. Of course, they can enjoy rainbows like everyone else (drawings, stickers, t-shirts, whatever), but take it off your banners at your lewd "gay pride" parades.
Discerning, judgmental, Biblically obedient: yes!
Intolerant: not so much.