There are many outward signs that we are living in the last days before Jesus mercifully returns. Mostly these fall into the category of things that once were taboo, if not shocking, that are now blase'. Violence, nudity, profanity, etc., give you an idea of what I'm talking about.
What I find particularly disturbing is the widespread fascination with stupid. People love to watch videos of other people doing stupid things - staged or not (which of these is more disturbing is up for debate).
I don't find it entertaining to watch someone trying to fly with a homemade rocket pack that ends up in the neighbor's pool; I find it sad and pathetic. Teens and young adult males get a bit of a pass (I mean they're kinda wired that way at that age), depending on how stupid their antics are. But when adults are doing things that are dumber than Wiley E. Coyote's worst efforts; we are living in scary times. Heck, even Wiley looked embarrassed (or at least sheepish), when his attempts blew up in his face! But these carbon units are deliberately putting their asinine antics on video and highfiving each other.
Enter the idiots who don't intend on being caught on video. This often is the "World's Dumbest Criminal" type or those who just don't care what others think or if they're disturbing other people. I envision the one who argues with the fast-food employee over a missing french fry to the degree that profanity and threatened violence (if not actual violence), is exhibited. Never mind there are children present and that you're berating some unfortunate that's probably making minimum wage.
These are the signs of the times and these reprobates are everywhere, but why are these episodes being shared and promoted on social media and the like? Many will react with dismay or even shock, but just as many seem to think it's a big joke. And sure enough, the next time some moron does something stupid (you may have to wait 15 mins or so), they'll be oohing and aahing over it at the water cooler (or somewhere).
But it's no joke. God says in His Word to dwell on things that are pure, noble, lovely, right, and such. Not to dwell on things that are stupid, moronic, violent, depressing. We have enough of the latter, and the news media does a fantastic job of shoving it down our throats (one of the reasons we got rid of cable several years ago and only follow the news enough to have some sort of clue of what's going on in the world). The realization of another mass shooting somewhere in our country (let alone the world), does nothing to enlighten me. It only adds to the growing list exemplifying the general chaos in this fallen world. It changes nothing, except for the immediate families of those experiencing the tragedy. The rest of us continue going to movies, church, work, and all matter of social gatherings.
For the unbelievers, they just become more desensitized with each occurrence; for believers it's different.
For believers, we know that God protects His Sheep. That doesn't mean we won't experience tragedy in this temporary existence. Many true Christians experience heartache, pain, and "untimely" death (an oxymoron for a true believer). The difference is that we know that the eternity we spend with God, bought through the blood of Jesus on the cross, outweighs any stuff the world throws at us.
I'm not suggesting Believers go Ostrich and bury their heads in the sand. But go Christian and bury your head in the Bible and you will develop a taste for the sublime and distaste for the stupid.