Sunday, May 15, 2016

Wanna Bet?

It’s been a busy month, as indicated by my absence of a post (yeah, I know, the world has kept on turning anywayJ).  Blogging definitely has turned out to be more of an exercise of discipline than I had thought, but still a labor of love and what God has me to do.
I don’t tire of telling people that being a Christian comes with a cost. Ironically it’s only a cost if you look at it the wrong way. Jesus shows us the only way that we should conduct ourselves if we are to receive the full benefit of being His. So the stuff we have to avoid/give-up only drags us down (literally), in the end. Accepting what God did on the cross through Jesus is like winning all the power-balls ever won and doesn’t cost us a dime!
Google "Pascal’s Wager". Posited by 17th century philosopher (among other things), Blaise Pascal, it basically says people bet their lives on whether the Christian God exists or not. Because Jesus is the only way to the father (God), to reject this is to risk eternity in Hell, if you at least allow the probability of Jesus’s claims to be true. Of course, logic alone has to allow for the possibility of it being true, as no one can prove otherwise, and if you allow for the “many roads to God” baloney, you have to give equal time to the one and only road view; you have to be consistent.
I agree with Pascal on the basis of the crux of his argument alone (being a born-again believer it’s a moot point, but a valid one). That is, why not live like God exists and follow his rules, because doing so will guarantee your eternity in Heaven. In the meantime you can enjoy all the beauty and joy this world allows through God’s general blessings. Things like springtime, pristine lakes, baseball, tennis, summer concerts under the stars (Vivaldi, not AC/DC), being in love, babies, comfort from friends in times of grief (and any other of countless things people enjoy or benefit from); these are all blessings even non-believers enjoy (although not to the fullest, as they know not where they originate). As C.S. Lewis expressed it: if you focus on just worldly happiness; you will be disappointed, and you will never see Heaven. But, if you understand eternal happiness as Jesus represents, you will get Heaven and the temporal world will be thrown in.
The last few weeks (as have all my years on this planet), have demonstrated God’s endless love and blessings. I’ve grown comfortable and content in a new job, my children have been busy with projects and looking forward to the warmer weather and beauty that spring in Michigan brings, did a 10k with life-long friends, approaching 20 year anniversary with the love of my life, and too many other things to mention. Like everyone else on this fallen planet, there have also been disappointments, worry, anger, uncertainty, but unlike those without faith; they are like water off a duck’s back, as I know God always provides a way to overcome these transient challenges (that are typically self-created anyway).
In the meantime, what have I given up, as my sanctification continues?  I’ve given up:
·         Getting drunk on alcohol
·         Gossiping (running other people down)
·         Profanity
·         Pornography
·         Dishonesty/cheating
·         Rudeness
·         Selfishness
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, and none of us sinners are perfect,  but I can assure you that these, along with other “costs” are the best bargain there is!
What I’ve gained is God’s favor and assurance that not only will I be with Jesus for eternity, but that I know how to navigate my way in this world of groaning and travail.
All God asks in return is all your life. Not just on Sunday (for those that even go to church), but every thought and action of every waking moment. Think of your spouse. Would you be happy if they only acted like your spouse when you were together. but when they were at work, or with friends, or wherever, they acted like they were single? Now, unless you’re in some of weird open time of relationship (it sure couldn’t called Biblical marriage), I think we all know what the answer would be.
Do you think God is any different? How do those that act like God is only important when it’s convenient/expected (weddings, funerals, church, tragedy) think He feels when they conduct themselves most of the time like he doesn’t exist? If they do, then they truly must not be his sheep, as they aren’t hearing his voice, or choosing to ignore it. The Sheep heed the Shepherd’s voice, and the slaves do the will of the Master.
So yes we are to be Sheep/Slaves when it comes to doing the will of the Father. This doesn’t entail all the negative images that people attach. When your Master is all-wise and loving, there is no trepidation in doing His will that is clearly laid out in the Bible. Besides, you can do His will and still enjoy life. In fact, doing His will is the only way to enjoy life to the fullest! Most everyone I know who need to make Jesus the Lord of their lives would not have to make drastic changes in their day to day activities. They could go on at the same jobs (none are pornographers or used car salesman), they could still take trips and have nice things. However, everything you do and say has to be put through the prism that allows us to see things (as is humanly possible), as God sees them. For instance, one might have to reevaluate how they behave at work, and everywhere else. Dress, speech, entertainment, associations all have to meet the litmus test. If you find yourself in a situation that fails this test; don’t panic. You don’t have to scream and run the opposite direction (although, that might be the better choice than doing nothing). Just remove yourself from the situation physically, or at least emotionally, by not participating.
I’ve actually come to enjoy the awkwardness created when I’m around those who know I’m a Christian, and they feel the need to adjust the conversation or perhaps apologize for language that may be used. Not because I want them to feel awkward (convicted perhaps), but because it indicates that I’m not hiding my Light under a bushel; that I’m walking the walk and not just talking the talk. It’s nice that they do this out of consideration for me; not because I demand it. If I did, I suspect they would just stop having me around. I like to refer to it as the “Grandma Effect”. Very often (unless you’re really a reprobate), if you ask someone who’s acting inappropriately, if they would behave that way in front of their Grandma; they’d say “…no way”. Well, consider God as Grandma times infinity, and ask yourself why is it okay to do some of the things you do when God does know what you’re doing. Of course, this has flaws as most everyone believes in grandmothers, but not everyone believes in Jesus, but you get the drift.

So all of you out there who are always looking for the best deals and return on your investment on tangible stuff that will one day go to someone else or deteriorate into garbage need to apply that thinking to your eternal soul. Realize that a relationship with Jesus is a full-time commitment that you should be proud of enough to share with others. Granted, this doesn’t happen right away with everyone, but it will come as you grow in your faith. You can still be you, with your personality, skills, preferences, etc., but you’ll be the best you ever!