For the last
several years I haven't followed much of the news (as “news” is only what is deemed
such by a very partial press, often with an agenda – liberal vs. conservative),
and for my entire life, I haven’t been a “political person” (what that means to
me, is that by and large, there’s a dime’s difference between most politicians.
Republican, Democrat, etc. are politicians, and by nature have to be well versed
in the art of compromise. Therefore, I find it difficult to get passionate
about any flawed (as we all are), human. When you know the Good News and
the King of Kings, it’s hard to get too interested in lesser things. However,
I’m open-minded enough to recognize Christians taking opposite stances in this
realm, from in this world but not of it non-participation; to getting as
civically involved as one can without compromising Christian values. All of
this is to introduce my thoughts on the up-coming presidential election.
Vote for
Thank you,
and good night.
Maybe I
should elaborate.
Not voting
for Trump, is akin to voting for Clinton; which is unthinkable. Admittedly, Trump
was probably not my choice during the primary, but now the choice is clear (and
easy). Maybe the lesser of two evils, but the Clinton evil is so much more so.
I believe
she is dishonest and ruthless, but most importantly, she supports Planned
Parenthood and the murder of babies. Although, Trump is also ruthless, and not always forthright; he is not a staunch supporter of killing babies. He still has to
strengthen his voice in opposition, but at least we have something to work
So yes, I am
a one issue voter, when the one issue separating candidates is killing babies.
Some call that simplistic, I call it obedient. Actually, I’m more of a two
issue voter in the sense that the homosexual agenda is the other one. Again,
Trump is more of an outspoken supporter of traditional marriage and Clinton is
trying to equate the battle for “rights” of homosexuals with legitimate civil
rights (such as racial equality). Just a casual observation of the Democratic
National Convention would have revealed the freak show that it is, dripping
with Hollywood and music celebrities spouting off. The not so subtle message
emanating from there was: men are idiots, women are brilliant, and homosexuals (and anyone else - without scrutiny), and
their lifestyle need to be embraced (no pun intended).
Like the old
commercial said: “this is not your father’s Oldsmobile”. This is not your
father’s America, and Trump recognizes it. Yes, America was built on
immigration, and became a beacon to the world based on this. It was also
founded on Judeo-Christian ethics, and people coming to this country understood
and respected; if not embraced it. The vast majority of those immigrating here,
until probably the last generation or two, wanted to become American. So it
made sense to have open borders to grow and expand; this made us great.
That was
then, this is now. We have to hear endlessly about peaceful Islam, while Sharia Law flourishes and terrorist attacks in the name of Allah continue all over the world; homosexuals not only are out of the closet, they are out the front door parading down the street and demanding you condone their sin! But in the name of Political correctness, you better not express contrary opinions.
Strength in
diversity has morphed into weakness due to inclusion. Too many are allowed at “societies
table”, pushing their own agenda. If you lead a
reprobate lifestyle (or support those that do); if you don't love Jesus (the only One True God), and this country; you need to leave the “table”. Criminals should be (stay), in jail; illegals who have records, or commit crimes should leave; homosexuals should repent from their
sin, but if not, should shut-up and stop mocking God and marriage.
Shut the borders, profile and herd up potential illegals/terrorists, tell homosexuals (and any other sexual pervert), that they are not entitled to special rights and should be thankful if their lifestyle is not criminalized.
Shut the borders, profile and herd up potential illegals/terrorists, tell homosexuals (and any other sexual pervert), that they are not entitled to special rights and should be thankful if their lifestyle is not criminalized.
I’m under no
illusion that Trump in reality agrees with this entire philosophy, but he
certainly comes light-years closer than Clinton; that’s good enough for me. On these issues Trump says what I want to hear. Clinton says nothing that I want to hear.
Just maybe
we can keep this thing afloat a little longer if we show Jesus that enough of
us are not afraid to obey His Word. There is still an amazing display of His
Grace in the beauty this world offers. Let’s appreciate it before He removes
His protective hand.