Sunday, May 17, 2020

Watch Out For The Helicopters!

The renown Indian chief Tecumseh posited some two hundred and thirty years ago that if the white man is so genuinely focused on what is best for the Native Americans, than why does he ply him with alcohol which leads so many to a kind of insanity. Possible explanations fall somewhere on a spectrum from ignorance to deception. I see a similar dynamic arising from the Covid situation (I will use as many nouns as needed to avoid using the P-word, as the media has over-applied (and mis-applied) it ad nauseum. Here is the parallel: the government (yeah I know this is more of a states thing, but the paranoia and ignorance have reached a national level) tell us they have our best interest at heart while employing Draconian measures for Covid, but continue letting us do so many other "unhealthy" things.

Think about it. We are being placed under varying degrees of Marshall Law so we don't possibly, maybe, potentially, catch this "killer" virus or give it to someone else. This "killer" virus that has a mortality rate of (well depends on where you get your information), but certainly of those who are actually diagnosed many more recover than not. But whatever numbers we apply, they pale in comparison to the other "killers" that kill more people each and every year. In a typical year, more will die in the U.S. from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, alcohol related (entailing many things from liver disease to auto accidents), drugs, suicide, flu, pneumonia; the list goes on. 

So, as Tecumseh so adroitly observed, if our government cares so much for our well-being, why does it allow (if not promote, a la alcohol and cigarettes) so many to pursue unhealthy lifestyles...anyone?
Seems to me if you are going to tell us how to live our lives and decide for us what risks we can or can't take with Covid; you should be doing the same for deadlier activities. Anyone else see the big Hippo in the room?

Big Brother will allow us to smoke which leads to cancer, heart disease, respiratory problems; allow us to eat junk food which leads to obesity, diabetes, heart disease; allow us to consume alcohol which is probably the deadliest practice if you consider the physical, emotional, criminal and financial disaster it wreaks; and while we're at it, let's ease up on marijuana - it's not really that bad. Not to mention, it has a great profit margin. If you want (I want), let's throw in all kinds of acceptable sordid entertainment; from pornography to violent sports. You think there is an emotional or spiritual decay associated with this stuff? I do. 

Forget about Covid! We all should have been protected from each other (and ourselves) soon as we got out of diapers! They (whoever they are) were on the right track when dodge ball was eliminated from our schools. Certainly this was justified by the amount of violence and gore produced when that squishy rubber ball impacted so many young lives! Clearly we can't be trusted to make rational decisions when it comes to our own lives. There was a term coined a few years ago: Helicopter parents. It referred to parents who were constantly "hovering" over their children. They were so worried about "protecting" their kids that they would end up stifling them. Essentially they traded a potential problem (at least in their minds) for a real one: youngsters that were hindered emotionally and practically as they became frightened to think and act for themselves. Unfortunately, when it comes to Covid, we are victims of a helicopter government.

What should have happened was a much more measured approach based on reality; not projection models (that have virtually all proved woefully incorrect). This misstep resulted in incredible waste of money and resources, not to mention the financial and emotional damage suffered by so many forced from making a living. As a doctor pointed out, you can be too proactive, especially based on models from so many different sources dealing with a novel situation. The proactive aspects should have never moved past social distancing and the option to wear PPE (gloves/mask). All the intelligent data states that gloves are essentially useless, and unless you are going to be around infected people sneezing or spitting in your face; forget the mask too. There has been no direct correlation between the use of this junk and reduction of those infected. In fact, one can realize a false security by wearing them, but actually be worse. God the Creator gave us skin and a respiratory system to combat viruses. In fact, wearing a mask and re-breathing exhaled air, not allowing your nose and mouth to function as designed is not optimal and can cause other problems. If these things were effective, than why don't we all don this cra_ every cold and flu season (thankfully, no one reads my blog, so I don't have to worry about putting that idea into anyone's head).

All of these reactionary moves (closing business, mandatory PPE, etc) should have been contingencies if the situation warranted (which it never would have, as the dire predictions were all just that). Notwithstanding all of the mouth breathers who wallow in stupidity on youtube; there are enough of us who can make intelligent decisions based on facts. As Believers, we realize we live in a fallen world and there is risk inherent in rolling out your bed everyday. But we know God is in control, so we don't worry and don't panic. Just like the McDonald's coffee cups say: Caution - contents hot. We can accept a little gentle reminder and suggestion, but take your helicopters (black or otherwise) somewhere else. I don't think this is some grand conspiracy devised by the left; I do believe however that the media and most of the left are getting all the mileage they can out of it. It's the best smoke screen they could have wished for at a time when the country is realizing the emperor (albeit a democratic one) is wearing no clothes.

Yes, it's been a scary time, but Christians in history have lived through many scary times. And if it's The Lord's will; we'll get through this one, If we don't; guess what, we have a better option. Folks need to be less concerned about masks and gloves and more concerned with Bibles and prayer. For those  who understand this; the only hovering over us we want is the Holy Spirit. We are free to accept or reject Jesus as Lord of our lives. We are (or should be ) free to choose our lifestyle. For those who reject Jesus and choose unwise lifestyles, all I can say is: you can't fix stupid.