1963: Almost falling out a window to driveway 30
feet below, as a 5 year old
1967: nearly cutting wrist artery on a broken
1970: ship in storm on sea
1975: threatened with handgun
1982: nearly drowned parasailing
1984: rolled car
1988: trapped under canoe
1990: vehicle 360 ice slide
1992: Lost in Mardi Gras
2002: vehicle 360 rain slide
2005: motorcycle seat in thunderstorm
The above cited events occurred to me on the approximate
dates noted. They all represent situations where someone could
die, but obviously not where the death rate is 100%. However, since all occurred to me, and I escaped unscathed in
every situation, I think it’s fair to ponder; why?
I realize that the above listed examples are pretty cryptic, so in the immortal words of Luther B. Heggs from The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, "...let me elaborate.": In the 1963 incident, my mom took me along on a visit to one of her friends. I was sitting in a high-back chair, which backed up to a large picture type window. I got up to chase the cat around the room and jumped back into the chair, causing it to tip back against the window, breaking it, and leaving me in the chair leaning out over the driveway 30 feet below; '67 I smashed my hand and wrist through a storm door window almost severing the vein, which easily could have bled out; '70 being approximately 12 and 10 years old (me the older), my brother and I snuck out on deck of a tourist ship tossing in high seas in the Atlantic and could have easily been swept overboard; '75 I was threatened with a handgun after exchanging words with an angry driver (no, I didn't flip them off or curse them out); '82 boat driver let up dragging me through the water while I was trying to get up on a parasail when they realized my head was under the water; '84 I was driving too fast and rolled my car on a tight curve as it skidded over train tracks and flipped, landing on the roof. Me and my passenger didn't have a scratch; '88 trapped under a canoe that had capsized after getting swept into a fast moving current and stuck against the bank. I was just able to hold my breath long enough to wiggle out against the force of the river; '90 driving approximately 75 mph on the interstate hit an ice patch that sent the car into a 360 spin, but was able to retain control; '92 got lost in New Orleans walking home from Mardi Gras, later to find out that the area I had gone through was a dangerous neighborhood (oh, by the way, I was extremely drunk), so it was a double miracle that I found my way and didn't get accosted; 02 another 360, but this time in a Florida rainstorm with no damage done; 05 another Florida rainstorm (they can be fierce). I got caught in one riding the motorcycle I had literally just bought from a private owner. I was on the interstate and a couple hours from home figuring I could ride it out. Well, I made it and could not have been wetter if I had jumped into the Gulf of Mexico with my clothes on. However, upon looking over things I realized the seat was missing the two bolts that hold it on. It was just "sitting" on the frame held in place by my weight. Any dramatic swerving or leaning could have easily sent me flying off.
There are those that say that every time you leave the house
it’s a risk. True, but most people, most of the time, leave and come back to
their house unscathed. It’s a fair argument to be made that using my examples,
someone put in those situations is at great risk of harm or death. If you have
any doubts, propose these scenarios to an insurance actuary and see what your
premiums might be!
So, what is to be done with the reality of a dozen potential
life-threatening situations that you “walk away from”? The natural response of
a Christian is to believe that God was protecting you for a reason. Also,
naturally, one would expect that reason/reasons to be, or become, known. However,
my situation leads me to conclude that (as in many cases) God may not reveal
His plan; even as it concerns us individually. Clearly, (ala Peter Marshall) I
wasn’t spared from an early, tragic demise to become a great preacher. But, if
any of my mis-haps pre-1994 had resulted in my death I wouldn’t have met my
wife, married, and produced two God-fearing children; as important as any
calling a man can have. As far as 2002/05 are concerned, there still was much
parenting to be done, as my children were still very young. Include
interactions with people where you share the gospel and you could find many
reasons that God needed you here and not heaven.
To a certain degree, the point is moot. If you’re still
drawing breath, then God still has a purpose for you taking up space; whether you
realize it or not. Be thankful for every moment we have and don’t fritter away precious
time on the silly things of this world (I won’t start listing them or the
length of this piece would make War and Peace look like a brochure). As A.W. Tozer
said, “When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection.” I’m convinced
God spared me in the afore-mentioned examples; why, I’m not sure, and I’m fine
with that. As Tennyson said, “…ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and
die.” What a wonderful credo for a Believer! We do for Christ as the fruits of
our conversion demonstrate good works and obedience, and die to this world
metaphorically as we separate from temporal concerns, and die physically when
our allotted time on this planet has expired.