The title of my post was inspired from a line in an old Monty Python bit: "stop the skit, it's become too silly!". Of course, the biggest difference between then and now is that, then, it was funny; now it's not. I mean, what could possibly be sillier than men dressing up as women (whatever they are) and reading stories to young children; and they're not creepy uncles, they're total strangers. Maybe males undergoing mutilation, so they can "live" as females and even compete against "real females" in sports so they can win. Or maybe it's the whole non-binary/pick-your-own pronoun thing. Or maybe it's millions of otherwise high-functioning humans who voted in a cognitively challenged senior citizen for the leader of the most powerful country in the world. Or maybe the idea that despite living in the most perverted and violent culture in history, we should have less police. Or maybe increasing the rights and legal protections for the aforementioned perverts (cue the homos and trans folks, and anyone else in the ever-increasing alphabet soup) and criminals in society, while continuing murdering the unborn.
While we're focused on the unborn, let me mention a new twist I just read about. As I spent many years working in the corrections field, I read a fair share of the current articles. If you want to really know what silly is, hang around inmates for a decade or so. In a nutshell, this pregnant female inmate is angling to get out of prison on a murder charge (search Natalia Harrell) based on her, lawyers claim that her unborn child is being held in prison wrongfully. Her baby didn't hop over the seat in the Uber ride and shoot some other, female she was arguing with, so why should the little one be behind bars? And if you let the little one out, momma has to go with, as they're pretty close. The argument continues along the lines that the unborn child is living in an unsafe environment, being surrounded by violent felons, not getting adequate nutrition (are they saying jail food is crummy?), not getting proper prenatal care, yada, yada yada. So, in a nation where most people are just fine with killing babies in the womb (given the "right" circumstances) some government officials are actually going to consider these arguments! In the institutionalized setting of prison, that child is better off than being "free" with the dirtbag mother. I'm sure the mother would still be surrounded by violent felons and doing a lot more drugs and alcohol to boot, if she were on the outside. Trust me, she wouldn't be concentrating on Flintstones vitamins, or her pre-natal classes either. Most importantly, a lot more abortions happen outside of prison, than in. So, if we are going to use the welfare (no pun intended) of the child as the paramount concern, it's no argument.
Most of us know women who gave up smoking and/or drinking (both of which I don't do and discourage any true Professor of Christ to abstain from) while they were pregnant, over concerns for the baby's health (even heathens). But here we have an unmarried woman (don't know for sure, taking a leap; can you say baby mama!) who wouldn't even give up carrying a firearm, let alone shooting someone! Heck, she probably was drinking, drugging, and smoking! Point being: where was her concern for the welfare of her unborn child then? Silly? Of course not. It's tragically sad. But that's where we are these days. What should be tragically sad, is just silly because it happens so often. It's silly, because fools actually condone it, or at least, don't speak out against it.
In this day and age, we are surrounded by silly fools. Although, they are different words; it's nearly redundant to say silly fool. They are no doubt, closely related. So many Bible passages refer to the foolish and their ways. In these times, we are living it. People have silly entertainment and engage in silly pastimes. They admire silly people (think The View). The most silly and foolish thing about these people is that they consider us (people of God) as the foolish ones! The Lord did say the end days would be bizarro world (loose translation)! I thank God that Jesus loved me enough to pay for my sins on the cross and that I have been adopted as one of his own. Recently, we joined a church for many of the reasons a true Christian does. But in addition to that, I wanted to tangibly demonstrate the Rock I stand on surrounded by the sea of silliness, dotted with so many ships of fools. It's easy to want to "drop the curtain" as the "skit" has become too silly, but it's not my call. Until then, I want to enjoy the incredible blessings God still bestows on this creation, and on my life specifically. I want to be in the Good Fight and support others who stand beside me. I want to be part of the remnant that will hear ..."well done, good and faithful servant".