There's no doubt that Americans in general and Christians in particular are soft and flabby. Obviously in a physical sense (you can't go anywhere in public without seeing an alarming number of obese people, many of them young) but also as it pertains to a spiritual mindset. They just don't want to stand on principle if it means they have to exert themselves or sacrifice. Case in point is professing Christians who continue to patronize Amazon, Walmart, PayPal etc.; any organization that supports abortion or LGBTQ propaganda.
The list of companies that support these evil agendas is long; from automakers to sporting goods. It's virtually a who's who of high-profile companies that most people do business with on a regular basis. Admittedly, many people could be ignorant of where a business stands on these issues. But that excuse only goes so far. As Believers it's our responsibility to do a little research. We happen to subscribe to some Christian news sources, so we're usually ahead of the curve (why every Christian doesn't subscribe to one is a good question). However, when we share this information with others at church or elsewhere, the response has been pretty much the same: a non-response. That is, not even indignation, let alone a commitment to end patronizing such organizations.
That's the real disappointment. Not that these places support this junk, Heathen are going to fulfill their job descriptions. And make no mistake about it, these organizations are pagan through and through. Most of them are run by boards that only care about the bottom line. Which is really ironic, because it is costing them money, albeit probably not a lot. But think about it. Before these companies went woke (and trumpeted it) anyone would shop there. Christians, pagans, homosexuals, abortion supporters, pro-life supporters and on and on. You went there to buy stuff you need or want, from a car to chewing gum. Unless you were openly discriminating against certain people, everything was beautiful. But some dopes thought it would be good to politicize these businesses that just existed to sell their stuff. The pagan leadership of these businesses knuckled under to the evil movements and started celebrating right along with the wackos. It makes no sense except when you realize that it's a fallen world and man's heart is desperately wicked.
So, we find ourselves having to wrestle with whether we want to spend our dollars with places that support (if not outright fund) causes and issues antithetical to true Christianity. Sure, it takes a little research and backbone to trod this road, but come-on, this is kid stuff compared to what Believers experienced throughout history (and are still experiencing in some parts of the world). And you don't even half to give up anything physically, I'm not talking about privation. You can still purchase all the useless crud you want (another discussion altogether); you just may have to find a different source. Taking a stand for Christ should take precedence over saving a few dollars or making a few less stops in your air conditioned and heated vehicle (probably heated leather and remote start too).
I'm aware of the objections (I've formulated some of them myself) like what about the Christian who works at one of these places? It's always the "little guy/gal" who feels the pinch first. Some of the larger organizations will never be hurt by losing the "Christian" business, but some poor minimum wage cashier may lose their job; how loving is that? Or they take in millions, so my little contribution isn't going to fund anything; good or bad. Scenarios like these are certainly possible, but it has to be looked at from a proper angle. That is, on judgment day what are you going to say when asked about any stand you took for Christ. Certainly not patronizing any organization that reflects God hating practices or stances, regardless of peripheral issues or personal inconvenience, is standing for Christ. Quite frankly, I'm not concerned about individual employees on the balance. Especially if they are not followers of Christ. If they are followers, they should ask if they should be taking a wage from such an organization. If they honor God, He will honor them, and they will land on their feet.
Another troubling aspect of this discussion is Christian organizations that utilize the services of the afore mentioned entities. They will offer payment options, sell merchandise, and otherwise patronize the very businesses in question. I've even seen it with the more conservative even "fundamental" websites. Unfortunately, our own church has members who clearly don't think this is a big deal and that we're overthinking it. I'm not positive, but I believe church funds are also spent at these places without any concern. Trying to address this issue I feel would be about as well received as a sermon on divorce or the horrors of Hell (Jesus talked about them, but then again, he wasn't worried about losing any church attendees). But, as we are living (again) in an era of lukewarm churches, it shouldn't be a surprise there are so many lukewarm Believers. I'm not saying it's a salvation issue, but certainly an obedience issue.
What's a body to do? Spend some time and effort to see where your money is going ultimately. You don't have to get crazy and ferret out business meeting minutes or click endlessly around websites to find all you need to know. Many are blatantly behind perverted agendas and are proud to display it on their sites or promote it in the media (think Home Depot, Target, Ben & Jerry's etc.). To find the rest of the weasels just go to one of the many watchdog websites that will list those businesses that are behind the woke agenda in general and abortion, homosexual, LGBTQ, trans in particular. Just type in the search bar: companies that support ______. Even easier, subscribe to American Family Association or One Million Moms. They do all the work for you. All you have to do is read/listen and act. You'll also discover there are many more options than you ever knew for living life without Amazon, Walmart, Sam's and on and on. It can actually be fun to be creative as you take a stand for Christ.