Saturday, July 4, 2015

Pipe Down, Will Ya

Not that I didn't already have more material to cover than time to cover it, but thanks to the United States Supreme Court I now find myself joining the homosexual (not gay), marriage fray.

First, let me make some things very clear so as to make my following rant easier to follow:

  • Tolerateto allow (something that is bad, unpleasant, etc.) to exist, happen, or be done - Merriam Webster definition
  • Gay: going back to the 14th Century; it meant happy, gleeful, bright and beautiful. Sometime around the early 50's homosexuals started using it as a substitute for the word homosexual; stop using it for your dysfunctional lifestyle. In fact while we're at it, stop misusing the word queer.
  • Affirm: to express dedication to  - Merriam Webster
  • MarriageTherefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh - God
  • The rainbow was originally created by God to represent his covenant with Noah (a good thing). Subsequently, most people (especially children), enjoyed rainbow representations as associated with fun, whimsical, and harmless events and things (seems, especially t-shirts). Subsequent to that, homosexuals decided to hijack the rainbow in all myriad of representations to be practically the "trademark" of their lifestyle (a bad thing). Find something else to plaster all over your stuff. 
  • I have always tolerated homosexuality (see above). I have friends who are homosexuals (and friends who are heterosexuals - let's just be clear)
  • I will never affirm homosexuality
  • Homosexual marriage is an oxymoron

Moving on.

Here's the deal. Homosexuality is a sin. So is adultery, fornication, stealing, and many other things - with me so far? The fact that I declare such does not make me a homophobe; any more than declaring my distaste for adultery makes me afraid of or hate those who cheat on their spouses. Radical homosexuals use this tact and many others to force affirmation for their sinful lifestyle and the silencing of all who disapprove.

 They equate their "struggle" with the civil rights issues of the past (and yes, I have talked to a Black person about this). Oh really? Black Americans had to deal with real intolerance due to their race, not a sinful lifestyle choice. "...but we were born this way!" NO YOU WEREN'T - and that's science, not religion talking! I'm sure some develop same-sex attraction due to outside factors or even a biological tendency toward same-sex attraction, but this is not born "that way" in the sense of immutability. But just as an alcoholic has to fight every day for sobriety, or an ill-tempered person has to constantly work on that, or a man has to wrestle with his desire for other women other than his wife, the person with same-sex attraction has to find a way to avoid that temptation. But let's get away from the psychology here and discuss the sociology.

The societal model (the affirmation of homosexuality, if not celebration), being promoted as new and enlightened is really the issue. There always have, and (until Jesus returns), always will be homosexuals. And they, like any other fallen sinner (that would be all of us), should be allowed to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. But NOT at the expense of others. What I mean is this: We can all agree that people should be allowed these pursuits as long as they don't infringe on the functioning of a polite society (let alone a Christian one). Therefore we don't run around like we're in a theocracy, smoking out adulterers, fornicators, blasphemers, etc., and throwing them in lock-up. As long as they pay their bills and drive on the right side of the road, we can pretty much co-exist. Their problem is with Christ; not me and you. But here's what sets the homosexuals apart: they are forcing (trying), us to applaud their sin. Last I checked, adulterers, fornicators and blasphemers weren't running around (not yet anyway, maybe their waiting to see how the homosexuals do), forcing everyone to affirm their crummy choices.

We're getting more shows, commercials, events, all the time that are promoting this lifestyle. And frankly (in the words of the immortal Capt. Binghamton), "... I could just scream!" Well - we should scream. As Christians we should be "screaming" in our actions. Whether it comes up in conversation, or how we spend our money or our votes; we should be bold in standing against this onslaught. I know we're not going to win the fight, but Paul doesn't call us to win, but to fight. We have to focus on winning the right to object to this abomination as strenuously as they hail it. At the end of the day, I don't care whether homosexual unions are deemed marriages or not (heck, there are plenty of heterosexuals who are joined civilly - not in the eyes of God, and we call it marriage), because these declarations by men mean nothing. Would I prefer another word for these "situations", absolutely. Call them unions, partnerships, agreements; just let us keep marriage (and don't forget to give back gay, queer, and rainbow). What I really care about is being able to not only disapprove of your lifestyle, but to call it sin as God does. 

Really, just get over yourselves. Life is not one big "Gay Pride" float where you're all dancing around in your underwear. If you are living as a homosexual, authentic Bible believing Christians have better things to do than worry about your choice. You're just another sinner that needs Christ. Your need is no greater than the heterosexual sinner; you have no special bulls-eye that Christians are aiming at. Stop bringing the fight to us and we will co-exist just fine.

Finally, let me state that it's safe to say not every homosexual is behind this radical agenda. I'm sure there is a wide range, from those who just want to continue in their choices and be left alone to those who are uncomfortable in the life, but aren't sure what to do. We Christians are to love all; including homosexuals. What this means ultimately is to desire to share Christ with them. It does not mean accepting their choice as legitimate. 

We have to agree to disagree, with love - not malice.

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