Is there a
more fitting example of the “wacky” times we live than all of the disclaimers
and “small print” that surround us? Contradictions and double-talk are the rule
of the day. As it says in Isaiah and James our Lord is not a God of confusion and
we are to say what we mean; and mean what we say. When so many dismiss moral
absolutes, it’s no surprise we find ourselves in this state.
such as “…these claims have not been verified by the FDA”, “…results may vary
or are not typical”, “…consult a doctor or lawyer”; and endless variations of
typical “small print” accompany most ads for products or services. Often, the only truthful component of these
come-ons is the small print (or fast talk), that tells you much of what you
just heard or seen is hooey. Kind of ironic, huh? Puts me in the mind of the
George Strait song That’s The Truth, where
you find the line …that’s a lie, and that’s the truth.”
At this
juncture let me point out, that I’m not going to be addressing warning labels.
Those litigation driven cautions against stupidity or carelessness. Considering
the proliferation of stupidity and carelessness, that would necessitate an
entire post of its own.
Back on
task: drinking “responsibly”; 300 horse
power vehicles (by far, not the exception or the most powerful), with most
speed limits requiring just a fraction of that power; assault weapons in a politically
correct society; reprobate pop-stars and athletes touted as role models; and
the 500 pound gorilla in the room: homosexuality and trans-genderism being
celebrated. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but I do have a life to
None of the
afore-mentioned realities can be justified – certainly not biblically; not even
Let’s think
this through, people. We have an endless amount of traffic laws and technology
to prevent us from all killing each other when we drive. Alas, we have idiots
driving around in 5000 lb., 400 hp vehicles, paying more attention to their
phones than the road (forget about the amount of gas being used). The other scary
thing is that you don’t need a special license to pilot (and I do mean pilot), one of these things, so you end
up with people who can’t parallel park a Smart car bombing down the road in a
Solution: No vehicles are produced with more
than 300 hp, and these only being larger vehicles for families that actually
need and use them (we have a mini-van with 190 and a CRV with 160 hp; both more
than sufficient for moving a family of four anywhere/anytime). Also, vehicles
would fall into strict dimensional parameters (size/weight). Thereby eliminating
the ridiculous size discrepancies that exist, resulting in dangerous collisions
between needlessly large vehicles and small ones. Of course, commercial applications
would be a separate category, but just as there is no need for assault weapons
except for qualified/trained law enforcement and military personnel; there is
no need for extraordinary large/powerful vehicles, except for trained
Speaking of
weapons: we have the fantastic reality of political correctness (or as I like
to refer to it: Sensitivity Coercion), juxtaposed with everyone and his uncle
(no offense to uncles), being able to purchase all kinds of guns. Let me get this out up front: I support the
Second Amendment, and do own guns. However, the original intent never intended
for assault weapons; any more than the right to free speech allows for racial
epithets to be yelled from street corners. So we run around making sure we
don’t refer to someone or group by
an unacceptable label (if anyone can keep up with the acceptable ones, please
forward me the list), but we can be running around with the means to kill
anyone or group we choose.
Solution: No more assault weapons available
to non-law enforcement/military professionals – genius huh! If you want to
refer to others in a derogatory fashion in a setting that is not going to
result in a physical altercation; that’s on you. Basically, if you want to
reveal yourself as a bigot (and your ignorance at the same time), have at it.
As there can be no compulsion in religion; there can be no compulsion in
sensitivity. Racism and discrimination of all types has always, and will always
exist; you can’t legislate it away. You only, sometimes, conceal it, but it will never go away. It’s like matter:
can never be destroyed; just changed. I would rather see it on the surface so I
know what I’m dealing with.
Small print
and disclaimers are at least admittance of deception, if not outright lies.
It’s amazing; whether in print or ‘fast talk”, people pay no heed and forge
ahead. It’s so representative of “people believe what they want to believe”.
Very similar to the dynamic of people choosing sin and rejecting Christ. People
don’t want a Lord of their life – except themselves. But just because the
public ignores the disclaimers out of desire; that doesn’t excuse the motive
behind them – dishonesty and greed.
Solution: Any info related to a
product/service to be shared will all be printed in the same font; or spoken at
a discernible pace. Alleviate the deception.
As for the
500 lb. gorilla; it’s a gorilla. What I mean is that homosexuality is
homosexuality. Homosexuals can act gay or queer (as can heterosexuals), but
they can’t be defined as gay or queer. To me and any other Bible believing
Christian (I hope), all homosexuality is queer behavior, as it deviates from
the norm and God’s design. It is sinful behavior, just as theft, lying,
adultery is. Notice I said behavior; meaning that people can have impulses like
the aforementioned, that aren’t sin until acted upon. And even at that point,
forgiveness can be attained with true repentance (yes, I realize you can have
sins of the mind if you choose to dwell/indulge certain thoughts, but those are
deep theological waters, not to be sounded here). There is no such thing as
trans-gender – aaaaaaaahhhh!!! Even acknowledging physical deformities, everyone is
biologically male or female; regardless of how they identify themselves. Obviously, I believe in gender-confusion
(we’re awash in it), but that’s not on God; that’s on you. So use your own
restroom – it’ll be okay. If you’re confused about your gender; look in the
mirror (you may have to remove some clothes), if you’re still confused; ask
your parents.
Solution: Accept that Jesus Christ is Lord of
your life, repent and start reaping the benefits of striving to live Holy. You
will find solutions to all your problems.
Of course,
the solution to all of these perplexities is Christ, but in His perfect plan;
many will reject this solution. Understanding this, Believers strive to make
this fallen world a little better until He makes all things perfect.
Today is a
good choice to recommit to Biblical values; let your yes be yes, your no be no
and take a stand against evil by living out God’s statutes. Let’s eliminate the
disclaimers and small print from Christmas. It’s the day of recognizing the
birth of Our Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ. It’s not just the holiday season,
Santa’s 15 minutes of fame, time for families to gather, merchandiser’s
money-grab, or time for new movie releases.
Let’s not
have any disclaimers or small print when it comes to our walk with the Lord.
Always be ready to give a reason for the hope that resides in you; boldly
proclaiming that only Jesus Saves!
Your “print” should always be the “large print” edition; not just around other
believers, but as you interact with the unsaved around you. I suspect many
Believers (myself included), interact with the worldly at least as much as we
do with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Those unbelievers should never
perceive “small print” or “disclaimers” (translation: hypocrisy), when it comes
to your testimony.
Either you are a child of God; or a
child of Satan. Disclaimers,
small print, fast talk will serve no purpose on Judgment Day.
Christmas to all!