More and more I find myself feeling socially awkward. It was bothering me until I finally figured out that it's a good thing. After all, we're told in the Bible that as followers of Christ we will be persecuted. In contrast, social awkwardness seems like a blessing. That indicates that the Holy Spirit is working out my sanctification. That I am truly "walking the walk, not just talking the talk."
What is most troubling is not the awkwardness, but the context in which it occurs: in the presence of other proclaimed Christians. As someone has said, pagans are going to fulfill their job description. That is, the unsaved are going to act like the unsaved: behaving in all manner of ways that run counter to how Jesus demonstrated and told us how to live. They're going to get drunk, watch filthy television, use profanity, be boisterous, etc. (not necessarily in that order). Well, being in the world (but not of it), when I'm around those that act in such a fashion, I am not surprised by their behavior, as Scripture allows me to assume they are not saved -you will know them by their fruits as Matt. 7:16 indicates. I am actually refreshed when those who behave in such a fashion tell me that they don't care about religion in general, or the the Bible specifically. At least they're not hypocrites and don't invite criticism of Christians in general, as false professors do. Granted, they have a bigger problem than their hypocrisy; the damnation of their eternal soul, but that is "on them", as all are without excuse.
As a believer, I am always anxious to know where someone stands (or think they stand), concerning their eternal state. One of my favorite movies, Disney's (when Disney was actually still wholesome, for the most part) The Happiest Millionaire has Fred MacMurray in conversation with the new butler. When the butler says that he tries to live by the Good Book, MacMurray asks him how successful is he?That is the dynamic I experience constantly when people claim to be Christian, but by their words or actions demonstrate that they are unsuccessful in living by the Good Book. These of course, are not the words they use, but when Galatians 5 and others enumerate the fruits of the Spirit, and I come across professing believers who behave contrary to this, it is clear that reading (a rarity in itself), and following the Bible are often not a direct corollary. Too many (once is too many?), times I've had someone tell me about their Christianity (whether re: the church they attend or perhaps in response to my testimony), just to have them move on to idle chit-chat about the inappropriate entertainment they enjoy, relationship that they're in, or move on to conversation laced with profanity. At this point I get the feeling that the path leading to destruction is really wide and the one leading to salvation is really narrow. It's not a pleasant feeling, even though I'm glad me and my house are on the narrow path.
It's so perplexing. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but you don't have to be to know this stuff is not trying to figure out how to split the atom. If you love Me, you'll obey my doers of the word, not just foolish talk, course language, obscenity...if you love Me, you will be persecuted. It's all so 2 Corinthians 5:17 - the Holy Spirit makes you into something you weren't before: a child of God, and an obedient child of God. Just as our children are occasionally disobedient, I would characterize them as obedient, as that is their predominant state. So, as true followers of Jesus, we will slip up and be grieved, but our predominate state is one of obedience, as this is always our goal.
If you want to live as God would have you, read your Bible. Where there is any confusion use a good commentary to assist ( puts several at your fingertips). We are to be a people separated, longing to be sanctified. That is very difficult to do when you wallow around in all the filth that modern society offers.
At least just admit that you are a reprobate in need of The Lord. Then I'll know how to proceed. Otherwise, you'll probably make me feel very awkward.
Good post, I know how this feels.