Sunday, December 10, 2017

Men: Don't Be A Boor

It never ceases to amaze me how easily the world (remember, when I say world, I’m referring to anyone not acknowledging Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior) is perplexed by issues that would be simple to comprehend from a Biblical perspective. For example, let’s take the latest cause celebre: sexual harassment.
Shamelessly referencing my August 2015 post, Women on Harleys, if more followed that template (His, not mine), we would dramatically reduce this silliness. Rewinding even further to a catalyst of the aforementioned post, if young women had heeded Katherine Marshall’s words in the film A Man Called Peter, we would not be in this predicament.
So buckle in, as this post will probably ruffle as many feathers as I have ever ruffled.
As usual, trying to define liberal terms or concepts is pretty much like trying to nail jello to the wall; good luck. Think of hate crimes. What the heck is that?! A crime is a crime or not. It doesn’t matter if you love or hate the victim. If you punch me in the head (as many I’m sure have dreamt of) your motivation shouldn’t matter. My head will hurt regardless.
Sexual harassment: In the words of Luther Heggs (look it up), “…let me clarify”. In our moral relativist world, it depends on who you ask. Does the woman have any responsibility at all in not creating or avoiding the situation? Absolutely. This is the 800 pound gorilla that the liberal, gender blending, post-modern, God-hating world does not want to talk about. And you better not talk about it either. Especially from an intolerant Christian viewpoint!
I better get this in now (it might be too late already): unwanted (what this means, varies from person to person and situation to situation) talk or action of a sexual nature is never acceptable. And it can go both ways. Women are not the only victims. The problem for the world (because this is a non-issue among truly Born-Again Believers as women are exalted and treated as God intended) is that so many mixed messages are sent.
As a friend (not a Christian) of mine pointed out as we briefly touched on this subject, it’s fraught with hypocrisy. His example centered on the founder of Playboy, Hugh Hefner, who recently died. This purveyor of pornography and the exploitation of women was celebrated as a great innovator. A genius ahead of his time, helping society to “loosen-up” and not be so “uptight” about sex. Men and women lauded him. Women? Yeah; go figure. So we have a society that touts a pornographer as some great visionary whose only real claim to fame was making it acceptable, even fashionable, to view women as objects of lust first and foremost. Add to this the air-brushed physical qualities emphasized and you create a population of men and women with unrealistic expectations and the accompanying frustration. But, although he may be the most prolific example of the trash peddlers in society, their number is legion.
This takes to me to the crux of the hypocrisy in regards to this issue, and it’s two-pronged: a male and female workforce and immodesty among women.
Yikes! I better start going out in public disguised.
The workforce: men and women were never intended (husband and wife excepted) to be alone together for long periods of time. A work setting often creates this dynamic. Add to this striving for a common goal, especially where emotions can run high, and intimacy can develop. Add to the mix how many women obviously dress with no thought of modesty, and you can figure out the rest. This is not theory, as I have worked in co-ed environments, from professional businesses, to retail, to jails, and have witnessed it first-hand (don’t even get me started on co-ed colleges!). Of course, I realize men and women will, and must, be in the same environment in certain situations such as hospital, schools, and law enforcement, but their roles could be proscribed more to minimize gratuitous contact. There’s a lot to be said for traditional male and female roles; it helps preventing many of the situations from ever developing.
The other prong is the proliferation of what I’ll refer to as the “hot babe” syndrome. This is characterized by so many women in legitimate positions on cable and television such as news/weather/sports reporters and the like that are young (or trying to appear such), attractive (or trying to appear such), and dressed like a strumpet (most Christians know what it means without looking it up). Skin tight dresses that leave no more to the imagination than a bikini are not what one should be prancing around in when protesting sexual harassment. At least be honest: if you dress that way and welcome the attention it garners, no matter where it comes from, I can respect that. You are just as wrong for thinking it’s alright to be immodest publicly, but at least you’re not a hippo, man.
So here we are, full circle. What is sexual harassment? I suppose it’s up to every women (or man) to decide, but look in the mirror before you do. I think we can agree that unwanted conversation and/or physical contact is never acceptable, but when does it becomes criminal? Sometimes, it's just plain boorish behavior. Males are created in such a way as to want to pursue females in a physical sense. Both sexes have to understand this and reign themselves in accordingly.  As many talking heads want to promote the rearing of little boys in a way to eliminate their inherent masculinity, you can see society is quick to throw the baby out with the bath water. The last thing we need is solutions from those who promote gender neutrality and homosexuality as normal.
So, let me be as clear as possible on a couple things, so as to minimize unintended backlash (and I certainly don’t want to be a victim of a hate crime!).
One: in every case where a woman is targeted with unwanted talk or touching that is unquestionably sexual – the man is guilty of sinful behavior and possibly a crime.
Two: in some of these cases the woman shares responsibility for (at the very least), ignorance to outright lewd and sinful behavior.
Like the majority of societal problems, this one can trace its roots to the loss of its Christian heritage. I’m not saying that Christians can’t sin in this area also, but if they do, they will be the first ones to take responsibility and ask and receive forgiveness from God. Real followers of Jesus would be hard pressed to find themselves in this spot. When you have Christian women dressing appropriately as to not cause a Brother to stumble, and Christian men treating their Sisters as the Holy vessels Jesus intended, there will be a corresponding drop in these episodes.

Even a dope cannot deny the positive ramifications of such an approach. Heck, they might even ask Jesus to become the Lord of their life!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

That Pig is Wearing Lipstick!

I wish this piece didn’t have to be written (well it doesn’t have to be, I get it), because it hits pretty close to home.  But, as Aaron Watson sings about in Fence Post: People like when you keep it real (well, at least as long as they agree).
Years ago I read an article by a Christian pointing out that country music was just as guilty as secular rock music in promoting a morally bankrupt lifestyle. At the time (and now) I’m not sure it’s as bad, but it certainly can be bad enough. In an ironic twist, country could be considered worse just based on its hypocrisy; packaging itself as wholesome (you know, God, Country, Mama). I have to at least give rock points for being unashamedly hedonistic.
Being in high school and college in the 70’s I was a pretty big fan of most of the popular rock groups of this era. Some would argue (I would agree) that it was the greatest era for rock music if you wanted loud, powerful, guitar driven bands, and lots of them. However, by the mid 80’s I started to really feel the pull of the Holy Spirit to make Jesus the Lord of my life. Coinciding with that, I found myself really enjoying country music. It was certainly a more wholesome choice than rock, but I have come to realize that thinking is akin to saying PG-13 movies are more wholesome than R movies. Perhaps, but both fall woefully of any standard of holiness.
I still gravitate to Country music, especially classic country (newer stuff tends to blur the line with Pop too much for my taste). Admittedly, I still have to use discernment, as many Country songs often advocate or excuse much un-Christian-like behavior. Cheating (I don’t mean at cards), drinking, revenge, and other things you won’t find in the Beatitudes are common examples.  Even Country artist Aaron Watson (who isn’t shy about his Christianity, and has a wonderful testimony) missteps with some of his songs. Celebrating in music an “outlaw” lifestyle, covetousness (shiny cars, trucks, etc.), and intimacy (even if it is your wife), is a bit disappointing from a fellow believer.  Of course, he is just a fallen man like me, but when you put things out there for thousands (perhaps millions) to see/hear, while trumpeting your faith; you have to be extra careful. A mixed message is often worse than an outright contrary one when it comes to walking with the Lord.
It’s all kind of too bad, because I really believe Country has numerous examples of artists with strong Christian backgrounds. Many started singing in churches before they moved on to commercial success. The genre definitely lends itself to Christian themes such as love, patience, faith, salvation, and eternity. It can still be high quality music with upbeat rhythms and a lot of energy. It doesn’t have to be strictly Ballads to be non-offensive (Tracy Lawrence’s, The Rock is a great example).  There are plenty of other (what I would refer to as) secular Country artists that have tracks representing wonderful Christian themes. Montgomery Gentry, Brooks and Dunn, Trace Adkins, Brad Paisley, are just a few examples, but unfortunately, as much as I admire their talent, too much of their music promotes what Jesus wouldn’t do.
I’m not (even though it’s a bit in my nature) trying to be contentious in matters of doctrine or theology in general. I was convicted a bit the other day from a Grace Gems piece lamenting the amount of contention between brothers/sisters in Christ. But I don’t believe that one has to abandon an Ephesians 5 approach either. We are to identify areas that we need to avoid and sometimes to point these areas out to others. Life is largely about contending for many things, so certainly contending for the faith would have to come before contending for anything temporal.  I don’t believe for one second that any of the aforementioned artists will see this post. But if they did; I hope they would realize that God’s standards are being emphasized, not mine. My standards (or anyone else’s) don’t matter, that’s just moral relativism; plenty of that going around.
It’s funny how music and lyrics (especially Country) can put “lipstick on a pig”. I mean, my family will avoid objectionable movies and unwholesome social situations, but I’m not as diligent when it comes to what I listen to. So much Country music is (at least was) performed by wholesome looking, likable folks. Ok, so they would sing about sex out of wedlock, getting drunk, bending the law; they’re just some good ‘ol boys/or girls, right? Wrong. Regardless of how talented the artist is, or how their total body of work is pretty clean, if it promotes, condones, or even just glosses over lifestyles contrary to authentic Christianity, we are obligated to consider how it may be affecting our witness or our own walk with the Lord.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

We're All Slaves

It’s such an insidious truth: You don’t know what you’re missing, if you never had it in the first place. I’ve experienced this truism a few times in my life, but my most recent example prompted this rant.
As we are called to be in the world, but not of the world, I always take pride (not that kind) in being out of step with the general public (P.T. Barnum might have referred to them as suckers). Specifically, I enjoyed holding on to our flip phones and land line long after most were using smart phones. My faith aside, I’ve never been comfortable with Madison Avenue dictating my wants/needs.
But alas, I came over to the dark side. It was a slow, almost imperceptible slide down the abyss. We went from two flip phones and a land line, to two flips and a smart phone, to one flip and 2 smarts. Of course our latest smart phone is much more advanced than the initial one (an iPhone 4 and iPhone SE); however, even our newest one is laughably ancient in this realm.
Why do I say, “…the dark side”? Because it is as easy as falling off a log to get hooked on these things (reference the documentary, Captivated: finding freedom in a media captive culture). I mean, nobody ever got hooked on their table top or wall mount land line back in the day (teenage girls talking for hours on their princess phones to their friends are not the same). People didn’t rant and rave about their latest phone; a phone was a phone. It did one thing, did it well, and was a tool to assist one, not an appendage that one could not live without. Heck, people relished time away from the distractions of the phone, but nowadays you would have to sedate many if you suggested they venture forth without their cell. When we had flip phones, I had a little sympathy for this mentality, as even those prehistoric things grow on you. But with a smart phone (I get it, many would consider a SE not so smart; be kind) I feel empathy, as I know their pain. It’s hard to imagine walking around without immediate access to texts, news, music, videos, and anyone who may want to talk to you. Not to mention timers, calendars, and all manner of apps. Of course the 500 (or 800) pound gorilla in the room is the ubiquitous camera. Between Madison Ave and habit (I prefer conditioning) so many have let these ancillary items become as essential as going to church (what am I saying? Bad example. How about as essential as caffeineJ).
What has happened to us? We are avid watchers of Little House on the Prairie, and everyone seemed pretty darn happy (Mrs. Oleson excepted) without all this stuff. I don’t think Charles would have been able to do everything he did from making wagon wheels, playing fiddle, working at the lumberyard, talking the pastor into staying, discovering penicillin (oh wait, that’s one thing he didn’t do), and an infinite number of other accomplishments, if he had a smart phone and wiled away the hours on his ESPN app or trying to configure his Spotify.
We have become slaves to technology in general, and to our phones (truly personal electronic devices is a better description) more specifically. If we are slaves, what does that make our phones? And we know from the Bible that one cannot serve two masters. I have been guilty, but I aim to change the dynamic. I’m trying to read a John MacArthur book in addition to reading my Bible every day and publishing a post on a semi-regular basis. In addition, I’m working full-time, being a father and husband full-time, and exercising so I can stay healthy full-time.
For me (maybe I’m just not too bright) I can’t have many distractions if I am to devote enough time to God’s Word. This means more than just reading the words and checking it off for the day. Again (maybe I’m just not that bright) but I often need to delve into commentaries and enjoy reading books by godly men to assist with my spiritual growth. All of this suffers if I get side-tracked by streaming endless (often silly) videos, texting just for the sake of texting and attaching silly pics/gifs, or just surfing the web. All of these are fine if you can control them, but many don’t seem to be capable.
 “Guns don’t kill people, people do” is a cute little colloquialism, but it’s a distinction without a difference, as you need both people and guns to result in someone being killed. Remove one; problem solved. However, practically speaking, neither people nor guns are going away (well, you know fellow Christian, at least until God pulls the plug on the whole deal) so we need to control both. Nor are people or phones going away, so we need to control both. I am a gun owner and have that well under control; I intend to do the same with my phone as it may be argued that it could be at least as dangerous.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom… – Proverbs 9:10

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Comfortable Christianity

Before you get all worked up and think I’ve started the local Joel Osteen Church of Smiling, take a breath. I’m not describing comfortable in the sense of a cushy lifestyle with nice things, but comfortable like a pair of broke in jeans (sounds like a commercial). Not comfortable where you’re not feeling persecution (catching a little heat as it were); comfortable like wearing your faith on your sleeve, no matter the slings and arrows.

It amazes me (actually that’s wrong, it annoys me) how many people are comfortable in their idiocy. They walk around with their underwear hanging out, or wearing stupid t-shirts (think poopy emoji), ugly tattoos, spouting profanity, and other similar gems. We at least have to admire their total lack of self-consciousness. We should be as bold in our love of Christ, not giving a rip what anyone thinks. Even I (yes, this guy!) worry about my witness being over the top; about making those around me uncomfortable. Unfortunately, I am enough of a coward to not want to make myself uncomfortable too. Our Savior died on the cross. The Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, the cross is an offense; comfort does not enter the discussion!

Interestingly, Christians don’t (typically) offend anyone just by being Christian. Even unbelievers can be good citizens and find offense to behavior, dress, language, and such that Believers object to. Nobody has a problem with Christians until they take a stand for Jesus. That can take different forms such as witnessing or refusing to provide a service (think bakeries and weddings); perhaps in the form of a protest against abortion or homosexual rallies. People like that Christians are not going to hurt them, steal their stuff, sleep with their wives (or husbands), keep them up late at night with loud music, or flaunt scantily clad flabby bodies covered in ugly tattoos. What they don’t like is being told that their life without Jesus is a train wreck (I’m paraphrasing the Gospel here). But too bad. We’re commanded to tell them what they need to hear. Of course I’m not promoting the goal of offending the unsaved. I am promoting to unashamedly proclaim the Good News without concern for “feelings”. If the Gospel is offensive to one, they have much bigger problems than a bruised ego. We Believers should exclaim as did Thomas Clarkson did in Amazing Grace, “shame on them”.

So how do we go about realizing these objectives in a reality based scenario? The first (and I believe easiest) step is to not be part of the problem. Check yourself, before you wreck yourself (or more accurately, your witness). Get the beam (or beams) out of your eye, before you concern yourself with others. Be considerate of others; apply the Fruits of the Spirit, as you earnestly try to emulate Christ. Consider what things you may have liberty in that may cause another to stumble. Secondly, my weak attempts at humor not-withstanding, gently approach those who you may be led to witness to. Remember that new Christians (babes in Christ) can only handle spiritual “milk”, so imagine how delicate one must be with the unsaved (the unborn again?). Just as in abortion discussions, it can never be forgotten that the unborn are to be loved as much as anyone walking the streets. The unborn again are to be loved by us and not treated as hopeless causes. All the “surface flaws” may be real, but let’s be real too. If we are, then they may become very uncomfortable about being comfortable in their unsaved state. 

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Why Be Normal?

Christianity is rampant with misconceptions and prejudices. We’re either deranged, stupid, perverted, weak; the list could go on. But I know two things: These adjectives don’t describe me and there are many other Believers who could make the same claim. True Jesus Followers are the antithesis of these sorts of persons. We shouldn’t be too surprised with these views as during these days, evil is called good and abnormal is called normal. With His perfect creation good and normal were synonymous, as nothing was not good, so only good existed – ipso facto, it was normal. Continuing, evil and abnormal were (and are), anything deviating from God’s perfect plan. For example, adultery and homosexuality which clearly are evil and abnormal from God’s perspective (the only perspective Believers should be concerned with), are often celebrated as normal and good.

Great – so what? So, let’s stick to our guns and encourage one another. Just as when an ignorant individual makes a snarky comment and to offer encouragement to not take it to heart someone says, “consider the source”, we have to consider the source of the many snarky comments we will endure: the world. They just don’t get it. Nobody “gets it”, until they get Jesus.

My relationship with Christ has made me more emotionally stable, intelligent, moral, and yes, even physically stronger; than I could ever be without Him. Emotionally stable due to all the comfort derived from His promises in the Bible. Intelligent, because of my intimate connection to the omniscient God. Moral, as I strive to become more sanctified with the Holy Spirits constant guidance. Physically strong, as even non-believers understand the direct correlation between a healthy mind and body. All of these things contribute to making me a better husband, father, son, friend, and citizen.

My feeling is that much of the ridicule (if not animosity), directed towards Christians in this county is driven by jealousy. Even the heathen admire the qualities of a truly converted Christian (how could you not), but they know it is unattainable for them unless they renounce their ways. But of course, that is the rub. They can’t, because they won’t. As with any unconverted person; they enjoy their sin. He is long-suffering and does not desire any to perish, but many do. Not because God doesn’t want them; they don’t want God.

This becomes clearer as I get older and observe others my age (59), and above, who still happily gallivant through life paying no heed to things eternal. They babble endlessly regarding Facebooking, latest cellphones, politics (maybe), cars, and a myriad of things that will not last. Of course we see the folly, but more often than not, to point this out to them only creates friction as they want the things that bring them pleasure for a season. These are intelligent people who exhibit discipline in their lives in many areas. They hold/had (if retired), good jobs, provide for their families, perhaps play a musical instrument, or follow a workout program. They employ the “Golden Rule” to a large extent. In short, you wouldn’t mind having them as neighbors. This only illustrates that people are unsaved because they reject Christ. Accepting Christ is not hard to understand. I would say it’s not even as demanding in a human effort sense as perhaps being an accomplished musician or an elite athlete. God has made it brilliant in its simplicity. He has designed the plan to entirely remove any human credit for coming to Him, but has left in all the blame on us for rejecting Him.

So, let the unsaved world go on in their false sense of normalcy. Many of those who do, have made their choice. As Jesus Followers, let’s continue in are “abnormal” sanctified behavior. Trying to grow in holiness more and more, and when we get the opportunity, share with those who want to hear: “why be normal?”

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Using a bit of a Golf analogy is how I want to open my tribute post to my parents as they come up on their 60th wedding anniversary. What I mean is this: it doesn’t matter how you get the little white ball in the hole, as much as it matters how many strokes it takes you to accomplish this. All people see at the end is the number indicating your score; there is no accompanying narrative or video indicating how stylistic your accomplishment was. Similarly, when a husband and wife stay married 60 years, people are just going to see an amazing accomplishment. It's a great "score", no matter how you got there.

Less than 5% of married couples reach this plateau, so my parents should be plenty proud. I certainly am proud of them. A few fun facts from 1957:
·        Average yearly wage: $4500
·        New house: $12,000
·        New car: $1900
·        Gas: 24 cents a gallon
·        Eggs: 28 cents a dozen
     Me: not around yet (at least, not as anyone would remember - sorry, a veiled reference to life beginning at conception - but I digress)

Believers understand that marriage is ordained by God to be between one man and one woman for life; no ifs, ands, or buts. Anything other than that creates disharmony with God’s plan, and usually creates angst for those experiencing a failed union. Now of course, there can (pretty much guaranteed), angst within a marriage, but it very often is a shared angst; either both spouses battling through life’s dark moments, or perhaps conflict between them that eventually passes.

Marriage is also one of God’s common graces; those blessings that all mankind can enjoy, regardless of their eternal standing. As the Bible states: God sends the rain, and the sun to the just and unjust. All the world benefits from God’s tender mercies such as nice weather, good food, friends, family, music, etc. As fallen creations, none of us deserve these. However, God demonstrates His infinite mercy by allowing these; even if only for a season.

A long marriage not only is a blessing for the couple, but also for all of society. Following God’s template results (for the most part, as we all find ways to screw up a free lunch - or a free blessing), in more satisfied individuals, families, and societies. I have always admired the example set by my parents. I am their oldest child and have been around for (save the first year), all of their good and bad times; our family has had its share of both. But through all of this, mom and dad have been the constant. It certainly is not always realized at the conscious level, but (putting on my junior psychologist hat), I feel that my siblings and I have benefited from that constant. People can never have too much security or too much of a good example. Kinda like: no matter what today brings; the sun will rise tomorrow (work with me here, as I know that our Lord’s return and endless cloudy Michigan weather seem to challenge my analogy).

In addition to honoring my parents, I hope to provide them with an anniversary present through this post. The present being manifested in communicating to them the enormity of being together 60 years; how that has impacted me, and why they should reflect on “job well done”. Hopefully, I can dig a little deeper than the typical Hallmark card in mining for some real sentiment.

It’s a point of pride for me realizing my parents have stayed married – against all odds. That’s not just an expression, as most marriages statistically don’t last. And in this case, statistics don’t lie, as I can think of more people who have been divorced, than those who have been married many years to one spouse. My parents could have easily gone that route. Easily, in the sense that many people would not have blamed them if viewed through the prism most would use. That prism allows selfishness and strife to be seen as legitimate reasons two people should go their separate ways. So when everything doesn’t go exactly as you would like or hard times come; let’s call the whole thing off. Never mind (for those married in a church setting; the vast majority in my circle of experience), the wedding vows actually address these eventualities. It’s just a ceremony; it’s not like it really means anything, right? Well, this sorta opens up another can of worms itself; but the point is – you can’t say you weren’t warned. No one knows all that happens between a married couple, but going on observable data and experience, I am confident saying people have broke up over issues that pale in comparison to what my parents got past.

So, why have they been able to do what few others have been able to do? Let me put forth a reason that I feel gets overlooked: Grace. 
Grace is God giving us what we don't deserve. Which pretty much encompasses everything we experience outside of Hell; from the next breath we take, to the vacation house on the lake. We got everything "up-front" when He sent His Son to die on the Cross for us. Certainly a husband and wife married for 60 years has experienced much joy. Of course there is often heartache and strife, everyone experiences these, but who wants to bear these alone? I believe my parents generation (born in the 30's), is one of the last ones where marriage for life between a man and woman is the default mode. In addition to that, divorce carried a negative stigma; as it should. Not because those involved are "bad people", more that the sacred union entered into with so much hope should not be "torn asunder". The "death" of a marriage should be mourned, not celebrated (as so often is the case these days). Divorce "parties" and Dump Your Spouse type billboards reflect much of societies casual attitude toward marriage break-ups.

So, what I'm getting at is that God has blessed them with each other (and me with them). God has blessed anyone who has someone to love, and love them; anyone with talent; anyone with good health, good job, good friends, memories; appreciation of the beauty in this fallen world. Whether or not a person acknowledges God's Grace has no bearing on this reality - it has a huge bearing on their eternity. 

Monday, January 2, 2017

Dirty Laundry

I was inspired to write this post after being encouraged by what I heard on a radio broadcast of Stand To Reason. STR is a organization that promotes intelligent Christian apologetics (my interpretation; to check it out for yourself go to:
On the program aired on Jan 1st (I believe recorded from this past summer), the host expressed his disdain for the various news outlets; due to their biased perspectives, concentration on “bad” news, and the reality that much of the information serves no useful purpose. We can’t do much about it, and it only serves to upset people or cast a general pall over things. I found myself in total agreement and encouraged by one as intellectual and well-travelled as the host. Using this as a jumping-off point, I want to develop this further.
My lack of interest in most mainstream news sources (i.e. major networks, newspapers, cable sources, etc.), is based on the following realities:
-         it’s typically liberal and bias
-         it caters to society’s baser nature: dysfunction, scandal, violence, etc.
-         it’s repetitive
-         rarely directly or indirectly effects the audience and therefore:
-         serves no useful purpose
-         only goal is number of viewers and advertising revenue

That it is typically liberal in it’s slant, hardly needs further elaboration. You don’t have to view very long to see how causes such as Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ “struggles” (have they added any more letters lately?), abortion, “peaceful Islam”, illegals; on and on ad nauseam – are promoted as righteous. While everything conservative (certainly the Christian right), is denigrated.
When these things aren’t being shoved down our throats; people’s stupid/sinful behavior is. I’m not the busiest guy in the world, but even I don’t have time to waste on the typical drek we’re subjected to. How many accounts of road rage, mass shootings, football players doing drugs or beating up some woman, school bullying, homosexual issues, “terrorist attacks” in various parts of the world, and murder and mayhem in general is enough? I believe that in the vast majority of examples; any amount is too much.
Setting aside a Christian worldview for an instant; why should anyone need to know about a fatal traffic accident on the other side of the country, or a killing spree 1200 miles away (unless the perpetrator is heading your way), factories closing, a celebrity court case, or a kidnapping? If it doesn’t alter your life directly; you don’t need to know. Bringing the Christian worldview back easily explains why people have an appetite for this: mankind is inherently flawed and therefore enjoy gossiping about the trouble of others or use the misfortune of others to feel okay about themselves. At the very least; they’re incessantly nosy and always searching for an escape from the truly (only), important concerns: knowing God’s Will and implementing it. I am convinced that more people could relate 10 news stories illustrating all matter of chaos, than could repeat the 10 Commandments.
Of course, my observations are neither new nor unique. Pop/Rock star Don Henley wrote “Dirty Laundry” in the early ’80’s; recognizing the problem, but offering no solutions. John MacArthur has stated that the modern media has subjected too much of the populace to too much violence and carnage. Young impressionable minds see more tragedy by their teens than a grown man would see in a lifetime decades ago. There are many who claim the world is no worse (even better), than it was decades ago; it’s just that the media is omnipresent (everyone has a camera-phone), so more is being exposed. To those I say: “Ignorance is bliss, so you must be very happy”. Not only is more being exposed; there is more to expose. In His Word, God tells us that things will be worse in the last days. They’re certainly going to get worse, before they get better (for Believers). For those who reject Christ; things will get worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, then – well; you know!
Many will accuse me of having an unloving, separatist attitude toward the world. But I tend to not get too worked up by the criticisms of reprobates. I can display no more love than following God’s statutes and telling others about Jesus when given the opportunity. I am certainly in the world, and just as certainly, not of the world.
The only “news” I’m really interested in is God’s News; the only good news in an eternal sense. Sure, there are “nice” stories sprinkled in about people doing “nice” things for others, but nice in a civic sense is not synonymous with Good, in an eternal sense. These stories also have to be kept to a minimum, as nice doesn’t sell nearly as well as bad.
The last observation related to this regards the emotion expressed by many as it relates to the “tragedy du jour”. Every story has to have the accompanying saddened, shocked, surprised, or angered witness or concerned party. The news outlets depend on these as the “cherry on top of the sundae”. For those of us who understand we live in a fallen world, surrounded by sinful people; much of this junk could be anticipated (in a general, not specific sense). It certainly isn’t surprising; let alone shocking. It can make one angry (this one, anyway), but He allows us righteous anger.
So, with deference to a line from A Christmas Carol: my walk with the Lord and the business of the day He presents to me, occupies me constantly. We’re not to be transfixed with the lives of others. Other than the Bible; read biographies about great God-fearing men and women (not exposes on “famous” celebrities), classic literature, and history for example. This is all the news you’ll need.