Monday, April 24, 2023

There Ought to be a Law

 How do we combat the homosexual, LGBTQ+, non-binary, trans, etc. culture we live in? In the words of a character in one of my favorite Gomer Pyle episodes, "...I'm glad you asked me that!" Just reinstate and enforce laws that were once on the books in most of the country. Sodomy and laws forbidding cross-dressing once were the norm (ah, the good old days). Heck, as recently as 2011 a man technically violated the law if he dressed as a woman. Of course, the predicted response is who can really define gender specific dress? Well, they were able to do it in the 1800's (but then again, they could define what a woman was also). Let's be honest about this. Most of the trouble is being caused by men acting like women (especially in athletics), not the other way around. Admittedly, a woman can get away with wearing jeans and a plaid shirt much easier than a man can get away with wearing an evening gown (as it should be). So, that is where my focus shall stay; on trans-gender woman.

The fact that these discussions are actually occurring is troubling enough. That some people actually believe that there are more genders than what God created, or that it's ok to let others pretend to be anyone or anything they want; is a sure indication of us living in the new "Dark Ages". These perversions have always been around, but were kept in check by the mores of normal society. Normal society being those with some semblance of Judeo-Christian values; those values derived from God's commandments. Although, there are always those who misuse these values as an excuse to torment those practicing these sinful lifestyles, that is not reason to jettison proper objection. What is "proper" objection: any righteous indignation based on behavior that is antithetical to the Word of God.

Someone (not a believer) asked me what I thought about men competing as women in athletics. What do I think? What does anyone with even a minimum of commonsense think? Are there actually people (other than perverts) who believe this is ok? As I know there must be; the question is rhetorical (but no less troubling)! This is just considering the general population. For this to even be asked in Christian circles is surreal (I don't know for a fact, but with the state of the church these days, I'm sure there are self-described Christians who think transgender issues are non-essential, and we should just agree to disagree). I disagree (pun intended). But, as there are "Christians" who vote Democrat; nothing shocks me. 

All sexual deviants (homos, trans, pedophiles, etc.) are by definition, immoral as they pursue their desires outside of the only way God designed sexual expression; between a married man and woman. And no immoral person shall inherit Heaven. Which means they will go to Hell if they don't repent. When's the last time you heard a sermon to that effect...I'm waiting. But of course these days you are more likely to see these sinners celebrated than chastised. Instead of being afraid to say the emperor isn't wearing any clothes, too many are afraid to say the emperor is a man wearing woman's clothes! 

Instead of these people being rightly marginalized in society, they're being not only tolerated, in many spheres they're being celebrated as heroes or victims of the "unenlightened". Which is especially ironic, as Christians are always painted with this brush, when we're the only truly "lightened" ones. Like so many words bandied about in the culture wars, marginalized is misunderstood and often perceived in only a negative light. Merriam-Webster defines it: to remove or keep in a position without influence in a society or group. This is a positive, not a negative. You don't want those with perverted world views in positions of influence (think Biden's cabinet). If you don't agree that homosexuals and gender mixers hold perverted world views, you are either ignorant or such a sinner yourself that you don't want to be a hypocrite. Unfortunately, many confuse the meanings of marginalization and persecution. Often these same people confuse tolerance and affirmation or racism and prejudice (probably say laxidaisical instead of lackadaisical, but I digress). But I'm not here to tutor those too lazy to learn basic English.  I'm not advocating for the mistreatment of anyone living a perverted lifestyle. I am advocating for keeping them from promoting their sinful lifestyle. Put it back in the "closet" where it belongs; better yet, accept Christ and repent.

We watch a lot of old movies and TV shows, as since the 60's, there has been an exponential "downgrade" (never enough Spurgeon references) in viewing choices. Things have moved from wholesome, to unwholesome, to downright offensive; and that's putting it mildly. Of course people were just as sinful then and many of the stars of those eras were just as screwed up as Hollywood stars these days. But the big difference is that they produced things that promoted virtuous (if not Christian) lifestyles. Yeah, some of the film noir might take the long way around to get there, but they got there. It was clear that adultery, stealing, cheating, reprobate living and many other vices were bad. They may flourish for a season, but in these stories, there was always a price to pay for bad choices. There really is a moral to the story. In contrast, so much current "entertainment"  lauds every kind of dysfunctional lifestyle; from murder to homosexuality. At the very least, many of these degenerates are portrayed as deserving sympathy and understanding. Most are often romanticized as essentially "good" people who just made poor decisions; they're the real victims. What a bunch of hooey! Of course, there are basically good folks who make poor decisions, but sexual perverts aren't that. They willingly and continually live a debauched lifestyle with no regard for God's wrath. Worse than that, they now want to force everyone to affirm (not tolerate, we already do that) their sin. In addition, they want to indoctrinate young impressionable minds with their poisonous beliefs. They're not content rolling around in the mire by themselves, they want to drag as many others as they can with them.

Here's a thought: Short of renouncing their agenda and demands of being treated as a special class of discriminated against citizens, we ship them off to the big Party Ball in the sky. Hear me correctly: Those who want to continue their perversion "in the privacy of their own homes" are not part of the equation. Their lifestyle is no less sinful (anymore than heterosexual fornicators, drug users, etc.), but that's between them and God. But those who keep it in the closet or red light districts and don't try to justify or promote it will be tolerated. The problem is trying to coerce moral society to accept your behavior as normal or positive. In the infamous words of that woman who achieved her fifteen minutes of fame, "...ain't nobody got time for that". Elon Musk seems to have more rockets than he knows what to do with. Load up a few of them and blast them to their own colony on the moon. I even have a name for it: New Sodom; kind of catchy isn't it.

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