I know I'm a little behind the curve on this one but having cut cable (pun intended) out of my life over fifteen years ago, I sometimes (gladly) lag behind what's happening in the media world. Be that as it may, a few nights ago I saw my first He get us ad while watching a college football game at a friend's house. Being a follower of Christ, my ears prick up whenever I hear "Jesus" in public. Whether it's someone using His name in vain (usually the case) or inserted in a television commercial (most unusual). Initially, this could appear to be a very good thing; but not so fast. My natural inclination to assume the worst when anything ostensibly Christian hits the mainstream has served me well... again!
Apparently, a somewhat secretive group of well-heeled so-called Christians thought Jesus Christ and His followers were getting too much bad publicity and decided to engage a company that specializes in branding (or re-branding) products or people. Basically, a PR firm. So, starting a few years ago these ads started showing up in some high-profile broadcasts, especially sports, including the 2022 Super Bowl. You can find them at hegetsus.com or YouTube. Last I knew the only recognizable name that has stepped forward is the head honcho at Hobby Lobby. Which is pretty disappointing as the Green family has always been vocal about their Christianity and I would expect better from them. How these folks came to the conclusions that: a) Jesus needs a PR firm and b) these ads are Biblically aligned, is mystifying. The most gracious take I can offer regarding the "Christians" that are funding this, is that they were bamboozled by the pagans! They were double taken in by slick hucksters. Anyone agreeing with the tenor of these spots is either biblically ignorant or trying to foister another kind of Jesus on us. Which, of course, the Bible warns us about, especially in the last days (and believe me, we are there!).
I perused enough of the ads (about all I can stomach) to be able to use a select few as examples of the misinformation, if not outright heresy, that they convey. For instance, there is one on empowered women (notice the woke language) of the Bible, which states that Bathsheba was raped by King David. In all my years of Bible study, I've never heard the story that way. I know about all the arguments ranging from it was a violent, physical, aggressive sex crime (rape), to it was fully consensual; and all the shades of gray between these two extremes. The point is no one knows for sure. Even the Bible with all its translations doesn't settle the issue. For anyone to boldly state that it was rape, they have to be reading into the text; an elementary, but cardinal error in exegesis. The muddle of Jesus somehow being the exemplar of the empowerment of women, in the sense that He is on their "side" in their struggle against men is ridiculous. Another one trumpets how Jesus was no "stick in the mud" and how he "let his hair down", partying with all kinds of people. This, like so many others, has so many silly inferences, one doesn't know where to start. Jesus certainly hung out with all kinds of people, but it was always with the same goal: turn them to Him and away from sin. These ads leave out that little sweetheart. Probably my favorite (my favorite worst ad!?) is the claim that Jesus doesn't want us to be adults. We are to stay like children forever because...wait for it..., they're so INNOCENT! Where have I heard that one before? So much for T in total depravity (a shout out to my Calvinist friends). So, forget all that stuff Jesus says about sanctification. Apparently, as a little child, you're as good as you get. Not only are these people ignorant of theology, they're also in the dark when it comes to anthropology. Just put a bunch of little children together with limited resources when it comes to toys and snacks. You'll find that pretty much all of them are selfish, self-centered, and opportunistic. Ask them about their antics and you'll find you can add liar to the list.
Of course, the cherry on top of the Sundae for all these spots is the declaration that Jesus is all about love: first, last, only. The message is clearly: to thine own self be true. Live and look like the world, don't judge anyone, and certainly don't claim Jesus is the only way: that's so unloving! Never mind that's actually what the Bible says. Just make sure you accept everyone as they are (their definition of love). The problem is that represents a different Jesus than He that speaks to us through His word. Real love is telling them accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is the only way to escape Hell. Because we are all born sinners and deserve Hell, but through God's grace He provided the way for us to spend eternity in Heaven with Him. Those who sincerely choose the narrow way will walk, talk, and think different than the world (and different than they used to). Real Believers count the cost and take up their cross daily. You die to self and live to Christ. How popular do you think those ads would be?
A simple summation of these portrayals would be that they elevate man (the human race) and trivialize Jesus. Man is portrayed as inherently loveable from infant to adult. So much so that God is almost compelled to love him. And God's love is perfect as it comes with no conditions. Fear Him, obey his commandments, repent from sin in your life... forget about it! God loves us in our fallen state and has no problem (even prefers) that we stay little children, because they're so innocent! Just be true to self, do a few good deeds, and mention Jesus once in a while; you're good to go.
Of course he gets us... He made us for His own good pleasure. But He didn't make us to do our own thing; He made us to do His thing. Our true God is revealed in the Bible, not in slick, ear tickling commercials.
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