Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thank You Very Much

 Even though it's a bit cliche to publish a post (albeit passe' to blog at all) on Thanksgiving that expresses one's thankfulness, as I've never turned down a good cliche; here it goes.

In summary, I'm thankful that I'm adopted into a family. This family is a collection of individuals who are striving toward a common goal. This family is comprised of Jesus followers with the common goal of living a holy life in this world, while preparing for their eternal home in Heaven. Just like my earthly family of a wife and two children are a source of serenity and separation from the bedlam of daily life (let's face it, the routine of constantly "bouncing up against" other people in endless interactions can be exhausting) being a member of the larger family of believers comforts me even further. In addition to bolstering me for my personal experiences, it offers me peace of mind in spite of a world that does all it can to fill me with more and more angst. Like film noir with a flashback, let me fill in some details in the following paragraphs.

I'm thankful that the God speaks to us through the Bible. Therefore, we know that if we faithfully spend time in the word; we're always the "smartest guy in the room". We have the answers to all the questions that people ponder the most. For instance: Why are we here? Where did we come from? Where are we going? Why do bad things happen to good people? Even answers to silly party questions like: What came first the chicken or the egg? Did Noah really fit all the animals on the ark? Are there aliens? Even answers to confusing contemporary questions, such as: What is a woman? He tells us history and what the future holds and reminds us, meanwhile, there is nothing new under the sun. Of course, most importantly, He tells us why He sent His son to die on a cross and what we have to do to appropriate it.

I'm thankful for the family of believers that cover the earth. You have the old adage that "misery loves company", but I feel it is a stronger love connecting faith with company. It's so refreshing and encouraging to hear biblical world views expressed by not only those you personally may fellowship with, but from others all over the world. One of the precious few benefits of social media is having the ability to know the hearts and minds of other Believers you would otherwise never cross paths with. With the constant bombardment of the "Vanity Fair" world we are passing through, it's sometimes easy to feel you're out on an island. But hearing from Christians via radio, YouTube, internet, whatever; can be a real shot in the arm (not a Covid shot). 

I'm thankful for the peace that surpasses understanding. In a culture that is so far down toward an Alice in Wonderland existence (up is down, right is wrong) I can still sleep at night. God said we would witness the crazy, perverted times we live in. He also said that ultimately it will "all come out in the wash" (not sure what Bible version that is) and all wrongs will made right. Terrorists in Israel, transgender, homosexual, and almost limitless perversions applauded in all circles of society, environmental nuts, cultural factions, social media, incredible narcissism (see social media); heard enough? If it wasn't for Christ, I might have to start drinking again. Not only can I sleep at night and get up every day in this mess, I know where I stand. There is no wishy-washy, grey area here. These are issues where I can stand firmly opposed. Why? Because "Thus saith the Lord": Men and women he created them, sex is between a married man and woman, worshiping the created instead of the creator (wacky environmentalists), love thy neighbor (cultural factions), covetousness/lack of humility (social media). Some things I may or may not feel strongly toward personally, but that is immaterial. God said it, I believe it, that settles it; ah, how nice to have clarity!

I'm thankful for the giants of the Christian faith. For all the men and woman over the centuries who contributed so much to the "feeding of the sheep". They may have been translators of the Bible, commentary writers, missionaries, evangelists; or the spouses of those who sacrificed so much for the Kingdom. And the current collection of those boldly standing for Christ on the many media platforms. Thank God, the gospel can be heard virtually anytime/anywhere in many parts of the world due to technology. John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, Justin Peters, and others who regularly and clearly stand for Biblical standards in our God-hating culture. It's encouraging to know that there are untold numbers not as well-known toiling in like manner in their own circles of influence. I have a special respect for street preachers facing the "slings and arrows" right at ground zero.

Finally, I'm most thankful for what God has "wrought in my heart". My faith has made me a better husband, father, friend, employee, in short, has made me better in total. Not better in "God's eyes", and certainly not in any relation to my salvation as I was completely saved the moment I believed on Jesus Christ. But better in a temporal sense. A better citizen of the world you might say (think of the changes in Scrooge). Being a Christian is not just about fitting oneself for eternity with God, it's also concerned with fitting one to be a light in a dark world. Our joy should shine through everywhere we walk while God gives us life on this planet. Yes, I believe sanctification is technically becoming better as opposed to worse, but it's a different dynamic. Whereas my faith lived out will make me a better person to live with; sanctification is more of a cause than an effect. Growth in sanctification is more closely related to holiness, which may or may not be evident to others. I feel sanctification often pertains to one's vertical relation to God, not so much the horizontal relation to other people (I'm going to turn around before I get too far down this rabbit trail).

Thank you, Lord, for giving me more than I deserve. Let it always be evident that I care more about You, than the things of this dying world. Amen

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