Sunday, December 25, 2016

Mixed Messages

Is there a more fitting example of the “wacky” times we live than all of the disclaimers and “small print” that surround us? Contradictions and double-talk are the rule of the day. As it says in Isaiah and James our Lord is not a God of confusion and we are to say what we mean; and mean what we say. When so many dismiss moral absolutes, it’s no surprise we find ourselves in this state.
Examples such as “…these claims have not been verified by the FDA”, “…results may vary or are not typical”, “…consult a doctor or lawyer”; and endless variations of typical “small print” accompany most ads for products or services.  Often, the only truthful component of these come-ons is the small print (or fast talk), that tells you much of what you just heard or seen is hooey. Kind of ironic, huh? Puts me in the mind of the George Strait song That’s The Truth, where you find the line …that’s a lie, and that’s the truth.”
At this juncture let me point out, that I’m not going to be addressing warning labels. Those litigation driven cautions against stupidity or carelessness. Considering the proliferation of stupidity and carelessness, that would necessitate an entire post of its own.
Back on task:  drinking “responsibly”; 300 horse power vehicles (by far, not the exception or the most powerful), with most speed limits requiring just a fraction of that power; assault weapons in a politically correct society; reprobate pop-stars and athletes touted as role models; and the 500 pound gorilla in the room: homosexuality and trans-genderism being celebrated. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but I do have a life to lead.
None of the afore-mentioned realities can be justified – certainly not biblically; not even logically.
Let’s think this through, people. We have an endless amount of traffic laws and technology to prevent us from all killing each other when we drive. Alas, we have idiots driving around in 5000 lb., 400 hp vehicles, paying more attention to their phones than the road (forget about the amount of gas being used). The other scary thing is that you don’t need a special license to pilot (and I do mean pilot), one of these things, so you end up with people who can’t parallel park a Smart car bombing down the road in a Hummer.
Solution: No vehicles are produced with more than 300 hp, and these only being larger vehicles for families that actually need and use them (we have a mini-van with 190 and a CRV with 160 hp; both more than sufficient for moving a family of four anywhere/anytime). Also, vehicles would fall into strict dimensional parameters (size/weight). Thereby eliminating the ridiculous size discrepancies that exist, resulting in dangerous collisions between needlessly large vehicles and small ones. Of course, commercial applications would be a separate category, but just as there is no need for assault weapons except for qualified/trained law enforcement and military personnel; there is no need for extraordinary large/powerful vehicles, except for trained professionals.
Speaking of weapons: we have the fantastic reality of political correctness (or as I like to refer to it: Sensitivity Coercion), juxtaposed with everyone and his uncle (no offense to uncles), being able to purchase all kinds of guns. Let me get this out up front: I support the Second Amendment, and do own guns. However, the original intent never intended for assault weapons; any more than the right to free speech allows for racial epithets to be yelled from street corners. So we run around making sure we don’t refer to someone or group by an unacceptable label (if anyone can keep up with the acceptable ones, please forward me the list), but we can be running around with the means to kill anyone or group we choose.
Solution: No more assault weapons available to non-law enforcement/military professionals – genius huh! If you want to refer to others in a derogatory fashion in a setting that is not going to result in a physical altercation; that’s on you. Basically, if you want to reveal yourself as a bigot (and your ignorance at the same time), have at it. As there can be no compulsion in religion; there can be no compulsion in sensitivity. Racism and discrimination of all types has always, and will always exist; you can’t legislate it away. You only, sometimes, conceal it, but it will never go away. It’s like matter: can never be destroyed; just changed. I would rather see it on the surface so I know what I’m dealing with.
Small print and disclaimers are at least admittance of deception, if not outright lies. It’s amazing; whether in print or ‘fast talk”, people pay no heed and forge ahead. It’s so representative of “people believe what they want to believe”. Very similar to the dynamic of people choosing sin and rejecting Christ. People don’t want a Lord of their life – except themselves. But just because the public ignores the disclaimers out of desire; that doesn’t excuse the motive behind them – dishonesty and greed.
Solution: Any info related to a product/service to be shared will all be printed in the same font; or spoken at a discernible pace. Alleviate the deception.
As for the 500 lb. gorilla; it’s a gorilla. What I mean is that homosexuality is homosexuality. Homosexuals can act gay or queer (as can heterosexuals), but they can’t be defined as gay or queer. To me and any other Bible believing Christian (I hope), all homosexuality is queer behavior, as it deviates from the norm and God’s design. It is sinful behavior, just as theft, lying, adultery is. Notice I said behavior; meaning that people can have impulses like the aforementioned, that aren’t sin until acted upon. And even at that point, forgiveness can be attained with true repentance (yes, I realize you can have sins of the mind if you choose to dwell/indulge certain thoughts, but those are deep theological waters, not to be sounded here). There is no such thing as trans-gender – aaaaaaaahhhh!!! Even acknowledging physical deformities, everyone is biologically male or female; regardless of how they identify themselves. Obviously, I believe in gender-confusion (we’re awash in it), but that’s not on God; that’s on you. So use your own restroom – it’ll be okay. If you’re confused about your gender; look in the mirror (you may have to remove some clothes), if you’re still confused; ask your parents.
Solution: Accept that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life, repent and start reaping the benefits of striving to live Holy. You will find solutions to all your problems.
Of course, the solution to all of these perplexities is Christ, but in His perfect plan; many will reject this solution. Understanding this, Believers strive to make this fallen world a little better until He makes all things perfect.
Today is a good choice to recommit to Biblical values; let your yes be yes, your no be no and take a stand against evil by living out God’s statutes. Let’s eliminate the disclaimers and small print from Christmas. It’s the day of recognizing the birth of Our Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ. It’s not just the holiday season, Santa’s 15 minutes of fame, time for families to gather, merchandiser’s money-grab, or time for new movie releases.
Let’s not have any disclaimers or small print when it comes to our walk with the Lord. Always be ready to give a reason for the hope that resides in you; boldly proclaiming that only Jesus Saves! Your “print” should always be the “large print” edition; not just around other believers, but as you interact with the unsaved around you. I suspect many Believers (myself included), interact with the worldly at least as much as we do with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Those unbelievers should never perceive “small print” or “disclaimers” (translation: hypocrisy), when it comes to your testimony.
Either you are a child of God; or a child of Satan. Disclaimers, small print, fast talk will serve no purpose on Judgment Day.
Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Would Jesus Endorse This Message?

It’s been an interesting last six weeks. My family and I made the hard decision to leave the church we had been attending the last two years, and I’m now rethinking my promotion of Trump for President. All in all, when the dust settles I believe these will be viewed as positive events/decisions. Actually, I already know they’re positive, it’s just that they were/are fraught with hard decisions and second guessing. However I don’t want to deal with these issues from a personal experience, but apply them objectively as a follower of Christ.
During this time I read In His Steps by Charles M. Sheldon. A fictional account of Christians from different churches actually living out What Would Jesus Do; not just wearing WWJD bracelets. The book illustrates how much strife and backlash one experiences from society when they live their faith 24/7 in all areas of life, especially when naming Jesus as the source of this guidance. This is why I identify myself as a Jesus-Follower; to me it has more clarity than Christian these days. Too many identify themselves as Christians, but outwardly (I shudder to ponder inwardly), would not be discernible from card-carrying pagans. Somehow, I think there would be less hypocrites of this sort if people had to identify themselves as Jesus-Followers, rather than Christians. Proclaiming oneself a Christian (at least in this country), is almost warm and fuzzy (lukewarm?); akin to being “spiritual”, and who doesn’t admire spirituality? Proclaiming oneself a Jesus-Follower punches people in the face! It conjures up all kinds of unpleasantness; such as sin, homosexuality, Hell, fornication, and worst of all: Judgement!
Actually, I’ve digressed a bit, so let’s get our focus back.
Leaving the church we’ve been attending for the last two years takes a little more explanation. It is a small (20 to 30 attendees, including us and the pastor’s family), Bible Church. We were drawn there based on an on-line Bible Study (ironically, conducted by an elder, not the pastor), I had heard what seemed to indicate the doctrinal view that I was looking for. However, over time it became clear that we differed greatly over the  importance of (in my words), holiness in a true believer’s life. In a nutshell, it would be my (ours, as my family is of one accord in this), feeling of their embracing a Free-Grace stance regarding salvation. I’m sure they would perceive us as adopting a Lordship Salvation stance as I totally agree with John MacArthur in this view. I’m just as sure the reality exists somewhere between these poles, but the gap was still wide enough for us to justify finding a new church. I don’t doubt their salvation based on this differing view, but it’s hard to fellowship with others when there is disagreement in this realm; let alone not feel comfortable with the message delivered (or not delivered), from the pastor. It was a tough decision nonetheless, because we had established relationships with some great folks. But at the end of the day, church is not a social club; it’s where I want to hear the unvarnished Word of God. It’s where the sheep go to get fed; not frustrated.
Now on to the Donald. I know politics involves a certain amount of schmoozing and, unfortunately, outright lying. That’s why as a Jesus-Follower I have never been comfortable with politics. I’m all about being civically minded and involved, but only to the point I am not compromising my principles (which, of course, are founded on God’s, as shared through His Word). That being said, I’ve never heard of Trump being caught in an outright lie, and I believed he was pro-life. I now believe I was schmoozed when it comes to pro-life, as he seems to think it’s okay to kill babies in some situations (it’s never okay to kill babies). As the campaign goes on, he seems to get more political and less discernible from Clinton (or any other candidate for that matter). I mean what was that recent church debacle? He goes from a signs and wonders, hocus-pocus “church” with a female pastor to a United Methodist, female pastored mess! He received some sort of “anointed” prayer shawl as a gift (probably free to anyone with a small love offering), at the first place; and was interrupted by the “pastor” at the second place and told not to talk politics (especially if it involved saying anything negative about Clinton). You invite a major candidate running for President of the United States to speak to your group and ask that politics not be brought up – anyone out there get this? At least the silver lining of this farce was that it’s apparent Trump is not a Jesus-Follower; maybe a Christian, but not a Jesus- Follower. Both of these “churches” belong in the same category with Copeland, Osteen, Driscoll, Hinn, Meyers, and the rest of the clown princes (and princesses),  of rip-off “churches”. So do I vote for a pro-choice, “spiritual” billionaire, because Hillary is even worse?
So, what is the objective take-away here? I hope it is that if you follow Jesus, and have some similar conundrums; you’ll look to God’s Word to help solve them. You will have to make tough choices; sometimes change your mind as more information comes to light.
 Find a good church (even if you have to leave a bad one), and decide: are we to vote for someone (anyone), even if there are no good choices; because it’s the patriotic thing to do? – or – in the eternal picture, is it better not to vote, as we are in this world, but not of it; so why vote if there is not a candidate that Jesus would endorse?
What’s a Believer to do?

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Donald "trumps" Hillary

For the last several years I haven't followed much of the news (as “news” is only what is deemed such by a very partial press, often with an agenda – liberal vs. conservative), and for my entire life, I haven’t been a “political person” (what that means to me, is that by and large, there’s a dime’s difference between most politicians. Republican, Democrat, etc. are politicians, and by nature have to be well versed in the art of compromise. Therefore, I find it difficult to get passionate about any flawed (as we all are), human. When you know the Good News and the King of Kings, it’s hard to get too interested in lesser things. However, I’m open-minded enough to recognize Christians taking opposite stances in this realm, from in this world but not of it non-participation; to getting as civically involved as one can without compromising Christian values. All of this is to introduce my thoughts on the up-coming presidential election.
Vote for Trump.
Thank you, and good night.
Maybe I should elaborate.
Not voting for Trump, is akin to voting for Clinton; which is unthinkable. Admittedly, Trump was probably not my choice during the primary, but now the choice is clear (and easy). Maybe the lesser of two evils, but the Clinton evil is so much more so.
I believe she is dishonest and ruthless, but most importantly, she supports Planned Parenthood and the murder of babies. Although, Trump is also ruthless, and not always forthright; he is not a staunch supporter of killing babies. He still has to strengthen his voice in opposition, but at least we have something to work with.
So yes, I am a one issue voter, when the one issue separating candidates is killing babies. Some call that simplistic, I call it obedient. Actually, I’m more of a two issue voter in the sense that the homosexual agenda is the other one. Again, Trump is more of an outspoken supporter of traditional marriage and Clinton is trying to equate the battle for “rights” of homosexuals with legitimate civil rights (such as racial equality). Just a casual observation of the Democratic National Convention would have revealed the freak show that it is, dripping with Hollywood and music celebrities spouting off. The not so subtle message emanating from there was: men are idiots, women are brilliant, and homosexuals (and anyone else - without scrutiny), and their lifestyle need to be embraced (no pun intended).
Like the old commercial said: “this is not your father’s Oldsmobile”. This is not your father’s America, and Trump recognizes it. Yes, America was built on immigration, and became a beacon to the world based on this. It was also founded on Judeo-Christian ethics, and people coming to this country understood and respected; if not embraced it. The vast majority of those immigrating here, until probably the last generation or two, wanted to become American. So it made sense to have open borders to grow and expand; this made us great.
That was then, this is now. We have to hear endlessly about peaceful Islam, while Sharia Law flourishes and terrorist attacks in the name of Allah continue all over the world; homosexuals not only are out of the closet, they are out the front door parading down the street and demanding you condone their sin! But in the name of Political correctness, you better not express contrary opinions.
Strength in diversity has morphed into weakness due to inclusion. Too many are allowed at “societies table”, pushing their own agenda. If you lead a reprobate lifestyle (or support those that do); if you don't love Jesus (the only One True God), and this country; you need to leave the “table”. Criminals should be (stay), in jail; illegals who have records, or commit crimes should leave; homosexuals should repent from their sin, but if not, should shut-up and stop mocking God and marriage. 
Shut the borders, profile and herd up potential illegals/terrorists, tell homosexuals (and any other sexual pervert), that they are not entitled to special rights and should be thankful if their lifestyle is not criminalized.
I’m under no illusion that Trump in reality agrees with this entire philosophy, but he certainly comes light-years closer than Clinton; that’s good enough for me. On these issues Trump says what I want to hear. Clinton says nothing that I want to hear.
Just maybe we can keep this thing afloat a little longer if we show Jesus that enough of us are not afraid to obey His Word. There is still an amazing display of His Grace in the beauty this world offers. Let’s appreciate it before He removes His protective hand. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Color Me Stupid

With a background in law enforcement (specifically in a county jail environment), I feel that I’m more qualified than most who spout off on the police shootings that have been high profile on the news. Anyone who has never gone through law enforcement training and/or worked in the field cannot really understand the dynamic of having to make instantaneous life or death decisions. Those of us who have walked this walk know the feeling of functioning in an environment that is often antagonistic and rampant with (especially with current technology),  Monday morning quarterbacks. Add to the mix the PC mindset and you have a recipe for chaos.

All of these shootings (including the choke-hold death in New York), had at least one thing in common: they all involved individuals who did not comply with orders from police officers. At this point, let me mention the shooting of a 12 yr old boy in Ohio. This was a terrible result of a series of bad decisions, from the adults responsible for the boy, to the boy, and the responding police officers. It’s different from the other situations and doesn’t apply to this narrative.

Those who cry that these individuals should not have been killed for such “minor” offenses such as broken taillights, selling cigarettes, or whatever; I would agree. But those who think they were killed for these reasons are taking the wrong view. They all ended up dead as a result of their stupid behavior. That’s right; stupid. Any person who does not do what the police tell them to do is displaying stupidity. I’m not here to play Dr. Phil, or Kildare (it’s an old reference; look it up), and advance reasons why people do such things, because ultimately it doesn’t matter on the streets in real time. Cops don't have the luxury of exploring psyches when their lives are on the line - Right Now! Many of the same morons aforementioned, would also cry they were killed because of their race. Wrong again: if every one of these tragic scenarios had involved stupid white people, it would have played out the same.

This whole Black Lives Matter movement is a joke on so many levels that I would need a separate post just to address it (hummm?). Since most young, black males die at the hands of young, black males; why didn’t this movement start a long time ago? Because its goal is not about “saving” black lives, it’s about stirring up the ignorant, thug sub-culture that pervades our urban areas. Although these thoughts are my own, I was more than pleased when I came across one of my present-day heroes of the Cross, Voddie Baucham, expressing similar feelings regarding these issues on a You Tube video of an interview he gave. That these views are expressed by a brilliant, black man adds a credibility that I could never have (based on skin color alone, never mind the fact I just don’t have his credentials and eloquence).

What does this all have to do with a Christian blog: a lot. We live in the days when people call evil good and good evil; substitute darkness for light and light for dark.
Isaiah said these folks were in for a bad time. These folks are those who defend the stupid behavior of these criminals. Especially those who defend it to the point of starting a movement! As I mentioned, my background is in the jail environment. It never ceases to amaze me (sadden might be a better word), how many people easily accept a criminal lifestyle. And how many of their "loved ones", are so accepting of it. It’s the norm! Evil is good; darkness is light. Many (just as many who are not in jail), identify as Christian. But their behavior indicates that may not be the case. You noticed I said may not be. None of us knows for sure. But I do know the Bible clearly states somebody is going to be in Hell. So when we are told to be separate, and to identify and confront sin; we need to have some indicators. As Kenny Rogers once said, “…we need to know when to hold them, when to fold them, and when to walk away, even run”. Pretty sound Biblical advice when you’re referring to witnessing, curtailment of witnessing, and avoiding reprobate behavior.

I don’t think it’s too far-fetched to suggest that possibly all of these men killed by the police would still be alive if they had demonstrated the fruits of the Spirit when confronted, instead of pride, selfishness, and stubbornness (if not malice). More Holy Spirit and less enablers is a great formula for anyone.

The police are that thin, blue line that protects us from the thugs and those that seek to exonerate them (defense attorneys, family, liberals, Hollywood – wow; what have I done now!). They are the little Dutch boy with his fingers in the dyke. And these days the dyke is springing too many holes at too fast a pace. God in his limitless mercy, is allowing us the benefits of law enforcement even as society continually mocks and degrades the brave men and women in this field. Believe me when I tell you when God removes his protective hand from this measly planet and all Hell really breaks loose; you better know that Jesus knows you!  

Saturday, July 9, 2016

KISS (Keep it simple Saved)

Dispensationalism, Calvinism, Arminianism, Evangelical, Reform, Post-Trib/Pre-Trib. If you clearly understand the meaning behind these words and concepts; you're smarter than I am (which isn't a huge compliment, but that's another subject altogether). I would posit that "ignorance is bliss" is an expression that applies here, as for the most part, when I started exploring these (and a myriad of other terms/concepts), winsome is not a word that would describe how I felt. This stuff can make you crazy! And it's all so unnecessary.

It's been said that God's Word (The Bible), is so simple that a child can understand it; but so deep that no man can plumb it's depth. With that, I would advise more people to spend more time wading and less time SCUBA diving. That is to say: let's stay with the basics, and leave the "high theology" to those who can handle it. By handle it, I mean that one can enjoy the mental gymnastics of studying, but at the end of the day the only thing we need to really understand is what Jesus did on the Cross for us. It doesn't matter where you stand regarding the aforementioned in the opening paragraph. Most who identify themselves or relate to the subjects mentioned will still concede that you can hold a different, even contrary view, and still be a Christian.

My experience has demonstrated that delving into these deep theological waters often leads to confusion (at best), or a smug, self-righteous attitude (at worst). The Devil must be a big fan of the quandary produced by this dynamic. Either way; he wins. Both confusion and smugness produce "distracted" Christians. It's the time-worn strategy: 'Divide and Conquer' (in my opinion, the same result often produced by denominations). Any way you can fracture cohesiveness and get people to fight among themselves, not against you (Devil); you win. These, and other distinctions often lead to splintering. So you end up with Lutherans vs Methodists, Baptists vs Presbyterians, KJO vs NIV, traditional vs contemporary, reform vs Calvinism - and on it goes.

Instead of all Christians of any "stripe" coming together to evangelize and fight against the powers of darkness and all manner of sin (pornography, alcohol, blasphemy, fornication, etc.), we debate and ridicule each other over these differences. I would agree with the statement: “In essentials – unity; non-essentials – liberty; in all things – charity”. And as far as I’m concerned, anything other than believing/accepting/applying what Jesus did by rising from the grave to free us from sin and give us eternal life in Heaven: is a non-essential! Even more precise: the only essential is believing why His tomb was/is empty.

Charles Spurgeon’s view on John Wesley demonstrates the attitude we all need to adopt. Spurgeon (an admitted Calvinist), and Wesley (whom many felt represented the antithesis of Calvinism), were worlds apart on many doctrinal issues. But Spurgeon writes of his enormous respect for Wesley as a man of God, and states he is sure that Heaven is not reserved exclusively for Calvinistic Christians. Point to be taken here is that if one as Godly and theologically brilliant as Spurgeon realizes that Christians who fall on different sides of so many issues that we take so seriously can all be saved and meet in Heaven; so should we. We see through a glass darkly, so we shouldn’t expect to figure it all out this side of Glory.

This is not to say doctrine doesn’t matter; because it does. It’s just that not all doctrine matters. It doesn’t all carry the same weight. It’s not all essential doctrine. For example: if from the same pulpit you hear the doctrine of the Virgin Birth and that women should only wear long hair and skirts; I think you can comfortably stay there, even if you disagree with the latter position: it’s a non-essential. And if the congregants were of the proper spirit; they would not think you less of a Christian because of it. If, however, you hear from the same pulpit that God was not born of a virgin, it doesn’t matter what they’re stance is regarding women’s hair and dress. The stance on an essential doctrine is un-Biblical. Which leads to another indicator of whether something is essential or not. As the saying goes, “The main things are the plain things”. This is no less true for the Bible. Who Jesus is, what He accomplished for us, how we know the Bible is the word of God – these are all very main and very plain. Eternal security, irresistible grace, free-will vs God’s sovereignty; whether these are main or plain, are dependent on your view. Many very smart, very godly people have spent years studying these issues and come to different conclusions.

So what is a body to do?

Be a slave to your Master; do what He would have you to do. Read your Bible and get some good commentaries to assist. Pray that God illuminates His Word to you. Surround yourself with authentic Christians who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord (you will know them by their fruits). Be light in this dark world. It’s not rocket science. It’s often not easy, but it’s not rocket science.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

A Need to Know Basis?

In what admittedly could be irony of the highest degree, I want to discuss (via my blog – on the computer), why technology (especially information technology, personal access to the internet), has reached a point of diminishing returns. In fact, it would not be hard to convince me that the internet never had an upside in the sense that it created at least as many problems as advantages, right from the start. This is coming from one who clearly understands the wonderful aspects of the web such as exposure to much that is edifying that otherwise may have remained hidden. But, as wonderful as that may be, I don't think it is worth the cost of negative exposure that is almost impossible to avoid.

For a long time I felt that I was born at least one generation too late (leave my family/friends out of the equation for the sake of the larger point). My feeling is that the 1940’s/50’s might have been the high-point where technology and morality meet. Meaning we had many “modern” conveniences well established (phone, washer/dryers, automobiles, plane travel, medical advances etc.), that made life more pleasant, and people still were infused with love of God, family, country; exhibiting a strong work ethic and hope for the future. Of course, we had many things still wrong such as more widespread (or at least open), acceptance of bigotry, drinking and smoking. I’m not sure these three things have actually decreased as opposed to just “going under the radar” or losing some of their panache. People of all eras are fallen sinners and find a myriad ways of hurting themselves and others, but I’m trying to establish a point where the “coaster” reaches the top before it starts hurtling down. As Robert Bork’s fantastic book Slouching Toward Gomorrah illustrates, we have been heading in this direction for a long time. I would suggest we are no longer slouching, but sprinting toward Gomorrah. Much of this can be laid at the doorstep of information technology.
Growing up in the 60’s (I just missed it!), information technology pretty much consisted of phone, radio, TV, and often only one of each in a household. Of course, as the decade moved on, it wasn’t unusual to find more than one of these items in a house. However, when the norm was only one of these items per household, you had the advantage of monitoring what was being viewed/heard/said, and (in the case of radio/tv), often it meant family time as all gathered to enjoy a program. I’m not giving total carte blanche to the programmers and broadcasters of the early eras, as even programming back then could often pander to the lowest common denominator. But only a fool or a liar would deny that those mediums today pander much worse trash than ever before. In addition, phones were for talking to someone when distance/time made in-person contact impractical or impossible.

Now phones are multi-media devices that put the internet (and all its snares), right at your fingertips. TVs and radios have hundreds of channels (many of them outright pornographic and reprobate in their programming). People will take me to task defending this “freedom” and pointing out the many “positives” of today’s programming (History channel and other “educational” type channels for instance), but it’s just a smoke screen. Anyone who would defend such a proliferation of garbage under the guise that there is some good, is only convicting themselves of their desire for the trash. These are the ones that make advertisers rich that promote reality shows, sitcoms, movies, UFC, and anything else that promotes promiscuity, violence, sloth, selfishness – pretty much the vast majority of programming. Any God-fearing sincere Christian would gladly go back to rabbit-ear antennae and 6 channels if it meant the elimination of the filth. The main reason that I am able to speak with knowledge of this subject is that as a Born-again, new creature in Christ; I’m in the world, but not of the world. Being in it, and the spiritual leader (and watchdog), of my family; it is my responsibility to be aware of the dangers and snares that confront us. We got rid of our cable almost 10 years ago, when our children were young; so I have put my money where my mouth is. Unfortunately, I work in an environment where cable is constantly available and watched (I have very little say in the matter), but it does allow me to stay more current on the downward spiral.

This leads me into the internet, which I will treat all-inclusive, via desk-top, or any wireless device (especially phones). Even internet (admittedly, almost exclusively negative from my perspective), had a more palatable beginning when homes had one computer that all had to share. But in a short time (as is typical with information technology), things changed; of course for the worse. More and more evil became more available on more and more different devices. Today, most families have multiple personal devices to pursue (typically), what John Colwell referred to in 1882 as “Little Foxes”; those little sins that people allow, as in their mind, they aren’t that bad. Whether these “little foxes” be gossip (reality TV), greed (reality TV), sloth (reality TV) – are we seeing a pattern here? And all manner of such that plasters the internet from You Tube to endless web-sites. I would like to think that Colwell would agree that nowadays people are carrying around not just little foxes but big wolves in their personal devices. People are not embarrassed to enjoy/show you all kinds of sin on their phone, from sex to violence. Not involving them of course (not that that doesn’t occur, but thank God I haven’t experienced it), but others involved in all forms of idiocy and reprobate behavior. It’s bad enough that anyone wants to see that, but why do you think I want to? I guess I better check my witness and ramp it up!

Don’t try to sell me on the advantages outweighing the disadvantages – it just isn’t so. The only advantage I will concede, would be expediency. And even then I don’t think getting information faster/easier is always better. People used to gather all the useful info. they needed from conversation, libraries, encyclopedias and such. In fact, the internet is simply a repository of all things gathered from these sources. We became a great nation, and reached the pinnacle of our “greatness” before the internet even existed. The argument could be made that the internet has contributed to our fall from greatness; certainly to our fall from Grace!

I have a 1930’s Remington typewriter that I would (and have), gladly use if that was the trade-off to make computers and the internet go away. I could still indulge my enjoyment of writing, but we would be unencumbered by all the instant “celebrities” (especially in their own minds), that exist today because of Twitter and blogs (yeah, me too – I’m very famous as I have maybe 6 followers including my family). I do this first and always to glorify my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, from whom all good things come. It gives me a vehicle to share my faith and my opinions (which I can be confident of, as they align with God’s Word).

Referring back to the end of my first paragraph, I will use the example of guns. Of course it’s a simplistic illustration, but I like simple. The world would be a better place without guns. I work in law enforcement, I own guns, but I am not a hypocrite. If guns didn’t exist, you wouldn’t have nuts killing large numbers of people in a short amount of time. It all comes down to that; there is no rebuttal to this. Yeah, you would still have murders and such, but you can’t conduct a mass killing on the scale we experience all too frequently with a club, knife, or bow and arrow; you just can’t. Same dynamic applies to the internet. You could not have mass exposure to all matter of sin without it. When men (almost exclusively; not boys or women or girls), had to go someplace to pursue their sin, you had less exposure to things (and even less or no exposure to types of things), then is available at the fingertips of any man, woman, or child who has a wireless device.

In the past, pursuing sin took effort; a good thing since people with a reprobate bent are often lazy. And in theory, a person might never even be exposed to something that could become a lifelong battle for them. But these days, you could “innocently” stumble onto a site that you would never intentionally seek out. Unfortunately, you can’t un-see something, and it could start a harmful pattern in one’s life. Information technology has brought the slime up to the surface when it used to be down in the dark where it belongs, so, on the balance, it’s not progress; it’s regression.

One of my modern heroes of the faith, John Macarthur, has made the point that too many people are exposed to too much tragedy, violence, and other negativity that a person could go an entire lifetime without experiencing; if it weren’t for the internet. Stuff that only people involved in the military, law enforcement, medical staff, etc. would have any knowledge of in the past. I agree. We have access 24/7  to instant tragedy or dysfunction; what is the benefit of this? Being aware of such calamity certainly has not decreased it's proliferation. I believe it's accelerated it!

A little self-disclosure before I finish. Yes, we too have multiple devices:  (2) desktops, laptop, tablet, (1) iphone, and (2) flip-phones. These are shared (as is our very modest plan of 600 mins, 2000 texts, 1 GB), between two adults and two teenagers). The iphone is mine and of course the other phones have no internet and are really only relegated to necessary use when we travel in different directions. We don’t participate in any kind of social media. We only have the second desktop due to upgrading our computer. It is seldom used. The laptop is my daughter’s and is essential as she writes her own Christian blog. The tablet was given to us. Our main desktop is in a common area and my wife and I are very aware of the usage on all devices. As I mentioned earlier; we have not had cable, dish, or any kind of television programming for almost ten years. So, in a sense, due to the times and culture we live in, some of these are necessary evils. The key is that we control them, they don’t control us. You can too!

It’s time to take out the trash.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Wanna Bet?

It’s been a busy month, as indicated by my absence of a post (yeah, I know, the world has kept on turning anywayJ).  Blogging definitely has turned out to be more of an exercise of discipline than I had thought, but still a labor of love and what God has me to do.
I don’t tire of telling people that being a Christian comes with a cost. Ironically it’s only a cost if you look at it the wrong way. Jesus shows us the only way that we should conduct ourselves if we are to receive the full benefit of being His. So the stuff we have to avoid/give-up only drags us down (literally), in the end. Accepting what God did on the cross through Jesus is like winning all the power-balls ever won and doesn’t cost us a dime!
Google "Pascal’s Wager". Posited by 17th century philosopher (among other things), Blaise Pascal, it basically says people bet their lives on whether the Christian God exists or not. Because Jesus is the only way to the father (God), to reject this is to risk eternity in Hell, if you at least allow the probability of Jesus’s claims to be true. Of course, logic alone has to allow for the possibility of it being true, as no one can prove otherwise, and if you allow for the “many roads to God” baloney, you have to give equal time to the one and only road view; you have to be consistent.
I agree with Pascal on the basis of the crux of his argument alone (being a born-again believer it’s a moot point, but a valid one). That is, why not live like God exists and follow his rules, because doing so will guarantee your eternity in Heaven. In the meantime you can enjoy all the beauty and joy this world allows through God’s general blessings. Things like springtime, pristine lakes, baseball, tennis, summer concerts under the stars (Vivaldi, not AC/DC), being in love, babies, comfort from friends in times of grief (and any other of countless things people enjoy or benefit from); these are all blessings even non-believers enjoy (although not to the fullest, as they know not where they originate). As C.S. Lewis expressed it: if you focus on just worldly happiness; you will be disappointed, and you will never see Heaven. But, if you understand eternal happiness as Jesus represents, you will get Heaven and the temporal world will be thrown in.
The last few weeks (as have all my years on this planet), have demonstrated God’s endless love and blessings. I’ve grown comfortable and content in a new job, my children have been busy with projects and looking forward to the warmer weather and beauty that spring in Michigan brings, did a 10k with life-long friends, approaching 20 year anniversary with the love of my life, and too many other things to mention. Like everyone else on this fallen planet, there have also been disappointments, worry, anger, uncertainty, but unlike those without faith; they are like water off a duck’s back, as I know God always provides a way to overcome these transient challenges (that are typically self-created anyway).
In the meantime, what have I given up, as my sanctification continues?  I’ve given up:
·         Getting drunk on alcohol
·         Gossiping (running other people down)
·         Profanity
·         Pornography
·         Dishonesty/cheating
·         Rudeness
·         Selfishness
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, and none of us sinners are perfect,  but I can assure you that these, along with other “costs” are the best bargain there is!
What I’ve gained is God’s favor and assurance that not only will I be with Jesus for eternity, but that I know how to navigate my way in this world of groaning and travail.
All God asks in return is all your life. Not just on Sunday (for those that even go to church), but every thought and action of every waking moment. Think of your spouse. Would you be happy if they only acted like your spouse when you were together. but when they were at work, or with friends, or wherever, they acted like they were single? Now, unless you’re in some of weird open time of relationship (it sure couldn’t called Biblical marriage), I think we all know what the answer would be.
Do you think God is any different? How do those that act like God is only important when it’s convenient/expected (weddings, funerals, church, tragedy) think He feels when they conduct themselves most of the time like he doesn’t exist? If they do, then they truly must not be his sheep, as they aren’t hearing his voice, or choosing to ignore it. The Sheep heed the Shepherd’s voice, and the slaves do the will of the Master.
So yes we are to be Sheep/Slaves when it comes to doing the will of the Father. This doesn’t entail all the negative images that people attach. When your Master is all-wise and loving, there is no trepidation in doing His will that is clearly laid out in the Bible. Besides, you can do His will and still enjoy life. In fact, doing His will is the only way to enjoy life to the fullest! Most everyone I know who need to make Jesus the Lord of their lives would not have to make drastic changes in their day to day activities. They could go on at the same jobs (none are pornographers or used car salesman), they could still take trips and have nice things. However, everything you do and say has to be put through the prism that allows us to see things (as is humanly possible), as God sees them. For instance, one might have to reevaluate how they behave at work, and everywhere else. Dress, speech, entertainment, associations all have to meet the litmus test. If you find yourself in a situation that fails this test; don’t panic. You don’t have to scream and run the opposite direction (although, that might be the better choice than doing nothing). Just remove yourself from the situation physically, or at least emotionally, by not participating.
I’ve actually come to enjoy the awkwardness created when I’m around those who know I’m a Christian, and they feel the need to adjust the conversation or perhaps apologize for language that may be used. Not because I want them to feel awkward (convicted perhaps), but because it indicates that I’m not hiding my Light under a bushel; that I’m walking the walk and not just talking the talk. It’s nice that they do this out of consideration for me; not because I demand it. If I did, I suspect they would just stop having me around. I like to refer to it as the “Grandma Effect”. Very often (unless you’re really a reprobate), if you ask someone who’s acting inappropriately, if they would behave that way in front of their Grandma; they’d say “…no way”. Well, consider God as Grandma times infinity, and ask yourself why is it okay to do some of the things you do when God does know what you’re doing. Of course, this has flaws as most everyone believes in grandmothers, but not everyone believes in Jesus, but you get the drift.

So all of you out there who are always looking for the best deals and return on your investment on tangible stuff that will one day go to someone else or deteriorate into garbage need to apply that thinking to your eternal soul. Realize that a relationship with Jesus is a full-time commitment that you should be proud of enough to share with others. Granted, this doesn’t happen right away with everyone, but it will come as you grow in your faith. You can still be you, with your personality, skills, preferences, etc., but you’ll be the best you ever!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Socially Awkward...And Loving It!

More and more I find myself feeling socially awkward. It was bothering me until I finally figured out that it's a good thing. After all, we're told in the Bible that as followers of Christ we will be persecuted. In contrast, social awkwardness seems like a blessing. That indicates that the Holy Spirit is working out my sanctification. That I am truly "walking the walk, not just talking the talk."

What is most troubling is not the awkwardness, but the context in which it occurs: in the presence of other proclaimed Christians. As someone has said, pagans are going to fulfill their job description. That is, the unsaved are going to act like the unsaved: behaving in all manner of ways that run counter to how Jesus demonstrated and told us how to live. They're going to get drunk, watch filthy television, use profanity, be boisterous, etc. (not necessarily in that order). Well, being in the world (but not of it), when I'm around those that act in such a fashion, I am not surprised by their behavior, as Scripture allows me to assume they are not saved -you will know them by their fruits as Matt. 7:16 indicates. I am actually refreshed when those who behave in such a fashion tell me that they don't care about religion in general, or the the Bible specifically. At least they're not hypocrites and don't invite criticism of Christians in general, as false professors do. Granted, they have a bigger problem than their hypocrisy; the damnation of their eternal soul, but that is "on them", as all are without excuse.

As a believer, I am always anxious to know where someone stands (or think they stand), concerning their eternal state. One of my favorite movies, Disney's (when Disney was actually still wholesome, for the most part) The Happiest Millionaire has Fred MacMurray in conversation with the new butler. When the butler says that he tries to live by the Good Book, MacMurray asks him how successful is he?That is the dynamic I experience constantly when people claim to be Christian, but by their words or actions demonstrate that they are unsuccessful in living by the Good Book. These of course, are not the words they use, but when Galatians 5 and others enumerate the fruits of the Spirit, and I come across professing believers who behave contrary to this, it is clear that reading (a rarity in itself), and following the Bible are often not a direct corollary. Too many (once is too many?), times I've had someone tell me about their Christianity (whether re: the church they attend or perhaps in response to my testimony), just to have them move on to idle chit-chat about the inappropriate entertainment they enjoy, relationship that they're in, or move on to conversation laced with profanity. At this point I  get the feeling that the path leading to destruction is really wide and the one leading to salvation is really narrow. It's not a pleasant feeling, even though I'm glad me and my house are on the narrow path.

It's so perplexing. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but you don't have to be to know this stuff is not trying to figure out how to split the atom. If you love Me, you'll obey my doers of the word, not just foolish talk, course language, obscenity...if you love Me, you will be persecuted. It's all so 2 Corinthians 5:17 - the Holy Spirit makes you into something you weren't before: a child of God, and an obedient child of God. Just as our children are occasionally disobedient, I would characterize them as obedient, as that is their predominant state. So, as true followers of Jesus, we will slip up and be grieved, but our predominate state is one of obedience, as this is always our goal.

If you want to live as God would have you, read your Bible. Where there is any confusion use a good commentary to assist ( puts several at your fingertips). We are to be a people separated, longing to be sanctified. That is very difficult to do when you wallow around in all the filth that modern society offers.

At least just admit that you are a reprobate in need of The Lord. Then I'll know how to proceed. Otherwise, you'll probably make me feel very awkward.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Change Your Mind About Repentance

As this is Resurrection Sunday, I'm hoping to resurrect my blog. I plan on starting with the title. "Swim Against the Tide" has served me well in getting me off the schneid, but I want something that leaves no doubt what someone is getting into if they check out my blog. As it stands, my title could lead someone to believe the blog is opining on anything from swimming techniques to alternative lifestyles (I guess I do comment on alternative lifestyles: those who live in an alternative fashion from what God desires). Anyway, I'll be rolling out a new name and look, but the approach you've all come to know and love will stay!

This brings us to the concept I would like to touch on: repentance. If not a dirty word, it sure seems to be a forgotten word in the lexicon of many professing Christians. Per my original "ground rules" I will go light on referencing specific Bible verses or theologians that share my view as anyone can do a search and come up with a legion of supporters and detractors for any theological stance. As I've tried to convey, my purpose is not to persuade as much as it is to over encouragement to those who feel alone when taking similar stances. Also to publicly (ipso facto: before God), unashamedly take a stand for God.

The repentance that precedes salvation is "turning to God" or changing one's mind about God. Basically, it's now realizing you need Jesus, when before, you thought otherwise. It's not a condition for salvation, just a factual occurrence one must experience. You will never turn toward a God you either reject or simply don't consider, until you change your mind (repent). It's been said that faith and repentance are both sides of the same coin: I agree. You can't have one without the other. For those that consider such a statement as borderline Pharisaical (if not heretical); do some research.
After you repent of your attitude toward Jesus and become truly saved, you will necessarily repent of your sinful ways (whether thought, word, or deed).

Why? Because Grace is not cheap. It cost God the life of His Son. And when we accept what Christ did on the Cross and manifest that belief in repenting (turning away from), a rebellious life contrary to Biblical Christianity, we inherit a priceless gift! 

If you continue to live like the unsaved, then you need to examine your Salvation, as it may not be authentic. Watching/listening to smutty entertainment, engaging in or finding no fault in fornication or adultery, getting drunk, using profanity (course talk in Eph. 5:4), finding time for anything other than Bible reading, and so on. This is not rocket science folks. Once you are truly Saved, EVERYTHING you do or think has to be measured by God's Standard. Of course you will sometimes fall short, but if you realize you have fallen short, confess, and truly want to do better and grow in your understanding of what God wants from you - you will! It's called sanctification: it is simply growing in Holiness. The Holy Spirit will be there for those who are willing. This sanctification will not occur in those who are christian in name only, while continuing to love the world.

People should be able to figure out there is something different about you after spending substantial time in your presence. Without you declaring up front: "...I'm a Christian and don't engage in certain behavior!"; they should arrive at that conclusion. You are always "walking the walk", not just "talking the talk", as so many do today.

So yes, as the "old time" fire and brimstone preachers would say: REPENT. Because you are a Born-Again Believer, you repent from what the "world" loves. You have changed your mind to harmonize with what God loves (check out Gal. 5:22). You are known by your fruits, you are a new creature, you love not this world. You have repented of just going along and not offending anyone, and now take a stand for Christ - no matter the cost.

Sanctification and discipleship are not "add-ons" to salvation, like options on an automobile. Anyone truly saved is a disciple and will grow in sanctification. Will they still experience sin: absolutely - as none of us achieves perfection in this life. The difference: they will repent and with the Holy Spirit will continue "fighting the good fight" and "run the race to completion", not excusing sin in themselves or others.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Stupid is as Stupid Does

There are many outward signs that we are living in the last days before Jesus mercifully returns. Mostly these fall into the category of things that once were taboo, if not shocking, that are now blase'. Violence, nudity, profanity, etc., give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

What I find particularly disturbing is the widespread fascination with stupid. People love to watch videos of other people doing stupid things - staged or not (which of these is more disturbing is up for debate).

I don't find it entertaining to watch someone trying to fly with a homemade rocket pack that ends up in the neighbor's pool; I find it sad and pathetic. Teens and young adult males get a bit of a pass (I mean they're kinda wired that way at that age), depending on how stupid their antics are. But when adults are doing things that are dumber than Wiley E. Coyote's worst efforts; we are living in scary times. Heck, even Wiley looked embarrassed (or at least sheepish), when his attempts blew up in his face! But these carbon units are deliberately putting their asinine antics on video and highfiving each other.

Enter the idiots who don't intend on being caught on video. This often is the "World's Dumbest Criminal" type or those who just don't care what others think or if they're disturbing other people. I envision the one who argues with the fast-food employee over a missing french fry to the degree that profanity and threatened violence (if not actual violence), is exhibited. Never mind there are children present and that you're berating some unfortunate that's probably making minimum wage.

These are the signs of the times and these reprobates are everywhere, but why are these episodes being shared and promoted on social media and the like? Many will react with dismay or even shock, but just as many seem to think it's a big joke. And sure enough, the next time some moron does something stupid (you may have to wait 15 mins or so), they'll be oohing and aahing over it at the water cooler (or somewhere).

But it's no joke. God says in His Word to dwell on things that are pure, noble, lovely, right, and such. Not to dwell on things that are stupid, moronic, violent, depressing. We have enough of the latter, and the news media does a fantastic job of shoving it down our throats (one of the reasons we got rid of cable several years ago and only follow the news enough to have some sort of clue of what's going on in the world). The realization of another mass shooting somewhere in our country (let alone the world), does nothing to enlighten me. It only adds to the growing list exemplifying the general chaos in this fallen world. It changes nothing, except for the immediate families of those experiencing the tragedy. The rest of us continue going to movies, church, work, and all matter of social gatherings.
For the unbelievers, they just become more desensitized with each occurrence; for believers it's different.

For believers, we know that God protects His Sheep. That doesn't mean we won't experience tragedy in this temporary existence. Many true Christians experience heartache, pain, and "untimely" death (an oxymoron for a true believer). The difference is that we know that the eternity we spend with God, bought through the blood of Jesus on the cross, outweighs any stuff the world throws at us.

I'm not suggesting Believers go Ostrich and bury their heads in the sand. But go Christian and bury your head in the Bible and you will develop a taste for the sublime and distaste for the stupid.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Gay Highjackers

In the immortal words of Slim Pickens "...what in the wide, wide, world of sports is a- going on here!" I didn't get the memo that it was okay to murder the King's English by redefining, misusing, or mispronouncing words. There is a lot of directions I could go here, but I'll start with the homosexual community, as they seem to enjoy the limelight.

When did they hijack the words queer, gay, and rainbow? Meaning, they took these words from the common vernacular, and stashed them in their own perverted lexicon. We watch a lot of old movies (as this is pretty much the only way to enjoy relatively clean entertainment out of Hollywood). And when I say old, I mean old - 30's/40's, Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur old. Anyway, it is not uncommon to hear gay or queer used to describe people, places, or things. However, their usage has no association with sexuality (let alone perverted sex), like it does today. Rainbow is a bit different, being a noun. The definition hasn't changed, as much as the association. When once anyone (especially children) could display rainbows, usually evoking wistfulness, optimism, etc., now it's associated with ... you guessed it.

Now of course, these days if you communicate any displeasure with anything even remotely associated with homosexuality you're labeled intolerant and/or homophobic (and that's putting it mildly). Let's explore the adjectives intolerant and homophobic. They illustrate how homosexuals reinvent the English language. It's pretty clear that America has been tolerant of their lifestyle. We tolerate their perverted activities, just as we tolerated drunks, adulterers, cheats, blasphemers, etc. God will not tolerate them (short of His Saving Grace), but we do. Intolerance isn't disagreeing with or decrying their behavior; that is opposition. They have tolerance -  what they really want is affirmation.

The other point is that opposition is not synonymous with fear (phobia). I'm not homophobic because I oppose homosexuality any more than I'm a heterophobe for opposing adultery. I'm not sure homophobia can really be used properly, as I doubt anyone is afraid of all homosexuals like arachnophobes are afraid of all spiders - come on; who's afraid of Elton John?

I understand they want a different word than homosexual to refer to themselves; it's pretty clinical, and (probably more importantly) they want to distance themselves from the clear Biblical condemnation against the practice. But leave our words alone - make up your own (Rich Hall did it all the time), if you must. Suggestion: instead of gay, say you're yag. It's backwards, but still kind of cute - and it can be all yours!

Queer is a little trickier, as someone living a homosexual lifestyle definitely is acting queer - but that doesn't make them a queer. Point being that we can all act queer (odd), but nobody can be a queer, anymore than someone can be an odd. I'm not sure you need to invent a word here; just use it properly. And remember: every homosexual is queer, but not necessarily gay.

Regarding the rainbow; the problem is more complex. Not only do I object to the unfortunate association with the homosexual community, but also there seems to be some ignorance as to it's origin in the Bible signifying God's promise to mankind. So homosexuals claiming it as a de facto "logo" for their "movement" is especially galling. Of course, they can enjoy rainbows like everyone else (drawings, stickers, t-shirts, whatever), but take it off your banners at your lewd "gay pride" parades.

Discerning, judgmental, Biblically obedient: yes!

Intolerant: not so much.