Thursday, July 14, 2016

Color Me Stupid

With a background in law enforcement (specifically in a county jail environment), I feel that I’m more qualified than most who spout off on the police shootings that have been high profile on the news. Anyone who has never gone through law enforcement training and/or worked in the field cannot really understand the dynamic of having to make instantaneous life or death decisions. Those of us who have walked this walk know the feeling of functioning in an environment that is often antagonistic and rampant with (especially with current technology),  Monday morning quarterbacks. Add to the mix the PC mindset and you have a recipe for chaos.

All of these shootings (including the choke-hold death in New York), had at least one thing in common: they all involved individuals who did not comply with orders from police officers. At this point, let me mention the shooting of a 12 yr old boy in Ohio. This was a terrible result of a series of bad decisions, from the adults responsible for the boy, to the boy, and the responding police officers. It’s different from the other situations and doesn’t apply to this narrative.

Those who cry that these individuals should not have been killed for such “minor” offenses such as broken taillights, selling cigarettes, or whatever; I would agree. But those who think they were killed for these reasons are taking the wrong view. They all ended up dead as a result of their stupid behavior. That’s right; stupid. Any person who does not do what the police tell them to do is displaying stupidity. I’m not here to play Dr. Phil, or Kildare (it’s an old reference; look it up), and advance reasons why people do such things, because ultimately it doesn’t matter on the streets in real time. Cops don't have the luxury of exploring psyches when their lives are on the line - Right Now! Many of the same morons aforementioned, would also cry they were killed because of their race. Wrong again: if every one of these tragic scenarios had involved stupid white people, it would have played out the same.

This whole Black Lives Matter movement is a joke on so many levels that I would need a separate post just to address it (hummm?). Since most young, black males die at the hands of young, black males; why didn’t this movement start a long time ago? Because its goal is not about “saving” black lives, it’s about stirring up the ignorant, thug sub-culture that pervades our urban areas. Although these thoughts are my own, I was more than pleased when I came across one of my present-day heroes of the Cross, Voddie Baucham, expressing similar feelings regarding these issues on a You Tube video of an interview he gave. That these views are expressed by a brilliant, black man adds a credibility that I could never have (based on skin color alone, never mind the fact I just don’t have his credentials and eloquence).

What does this all have to do with a Christian blog: a lot. We live in the days when people call evil good and good evil; substitute darkness for light and light for dark.
Isaiah said these folks were in for a bad time. These folks are those who defend the stupid behavior of these criminals. Especially those who defend it to the point of starting a movement! As I mentioned, my background is in the jail environment. It never ceases to amaze me (sadden might be a better word), how many people easily accept a criminal lifestyle. And how many of their "loved ones", are so accepting of it. It’s the norm! Evil is good; darkness is light. Many (just as many who are not in jail), identify as Christian. But their behavior indicates that may not be the case. You noticed I said may not be. None of us knows for sure. But I do know the Bible clearly states somebody is going to be in Hell. So when we are told to be separate, and to identify and confront sin; we need to have some indicators. As Kenny Rogers once said, “…we need to know when to hold them, when to fold them, and when to walk away, even run”. Pretty sound Biblical advice when you’re referring to witnessing, curtailment of witnessing, and avoiding reprobate behavior.

I don’t think it’s too far-fetched to suggest that possibly all of these men killed by the police would still be alive if they had demonstrated the fruits of the Spirit when confronted, instead of pride, selfishness, and stubbornness (if not malice). More Holy Spirit and less enablers is a great formula for anyone.

The police are that thin, blue line that protects us from the thugs and those that seek to exonerate them (defense attorneys, family, liberals, Hollywood – wow; what have I done now!). They are the little Dutch boy with his fingers in the dyke. And these days the dyke is springing too many holes at too fast a pace. God in his limitless mercy, is allowing us the benefits of law enforcement even as society continually mocks and degrades the brave men and women in this field. Believe me when I tell you when God removes his protective hand from this measly planet and all Hell really breaks loose; you better know that Jesus knows you!  

Saturday, July 9, 2016

KISS (Keep it simple Saved)

Dispensationalism, Calvinism, Arminianism, Evangelical, Reform, Post-Trib/Pre-Trib. If you clearly understand the meaning behind these words and concepts; you're smarter than I am (which isn't a huge compliment, but that's another subject altogether). I would posit that "ignorance is bliss" is an expression that applies here, as for the most part, when I started exploring these (and a myriad of other terms/concepts), winsome is not a word that would describe how I felt. This stuff can make you crazy! And it's all so unnecessary.

It's been said that God's Word (The Bible), is so simple that a child can understand it; but so deep that no man can plumb it's depth. With that, I would advise more people to spend more time wading and less time SCUBA diving. That is to say: let's stay with the basics, and leave the "high theology" to those who can handle it. By handle it, I mean that one can enjoy the mental gymnastics of studying, but at the end of the day the only thing we need to really understand is what Jesus did on the Cross for us. It doesn't matter where you stand regarding the aforementioned in the opening paragraph. Most who identify themselves or relate to the subjects mentioned will still concede that you can hold a different, even contrary view, and still be a Christian.

My experience has demonstrated that delving into these deep theological waters often leads to confusion (at best), or a smug, self-righteous attitude (at worst). The Devil must be a big fan of the quandary produced by this dynamic. Either way; he wins. Both confusion and smugness produce "distracted" Christians. It's the time-worn strategy: 'Divide and Conquer' (in my opinion, the same result often produced by denominations). Any way you can fracture cohesiveness and get people to fight among themselves, not against you (Devil); you win. These, and other distinctions often lead to splintering. So you end up with Lutherans vs Methodists, Baptists vs Presbyterians, KJO vs NIV, traditional vs contemporary, reform vs Calvinism - and on it goes.

Instead of all Christians of any "stripe" coming together to evangelize and fight against the powers of darkness and all manner of sin (pornography, alcohol, blasphemy, fornication, etc.), we debate and ridicule each other over these differences. I would agree with the statement: “In essentials – unity; non-essentials – liberty; in all things – charity”. And as far as I’m concerned, anything other than believing/accepting/applying what Jesus did by rising from the grave to free us from sin and give us eternal life in Heaven: is a non-essential! Even more precise: the only essential is believing why His tomb was/is empty.

Charles Spurgeon’s view on John Wesley demonstrates the attitude we all need to adopt. Spurgeon (an admitted Calvinist), and Wesley (whom many felt represented the antithesis of Calvinism), were worlds apart on many doctrinal issues. But Spurgeon writes of his enormous respect for Wesley as a man of God, and states he is sure that Heaven is not reserved exclusively for Calvinistic Christians. Point to be taken here is that if one as Godly and theologically brilliant as Spurgeon realizes that Christians who fall on different sides of so many issues that we take so seriously can all be saved and meet in Heaven; so should we. We see through a glass darkly, so we shouldn’t expect to figure it all out this side of Glory.

This is not to say doctrine doesn’t matter; because it does. It’s just that not all doctrine matters. It doesn’t all carry the same weight. It’s not all essential doctrine. For example: if from the same pulpit you hear the doctrine of the Virgin Birth and that women should only wear long hair and skirts; I think you can comfortably stay there, even if you disagree with the latter position: it’s a non-essential. And if the congregants were of the proper spirit; they would not think you less of a Christian because of it. If, however, you hear from the same pulpit that God was not born of a virgin, it doesn’t matter what they’re stance is regarding women’s hair and dress. The stance on an essential doctrine is un-Biblical. Which leads to another indicator of whether something is essential or not. As the saying goes, “The main things are the plain things”. This is no less true for the Bible. Who Jesus is, what He accomplished for us, how we know the Bible is the word of God – these are all very main and very plain. Eternal security, irresistible grace, free-will vs God’s sovereignty; whether these are main or plain, are dependent on your view. Many very smart, very godly people have spent years studying these issues and come to different conclusions.

So what is a body to do?

Be a slave to your Master; do what He would have you to do. Read your Bible and get some good commentaries to assist. Pray that God illuminates His Word to you. Surround yourself with authentic Christians who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord (you will know them by their fruits). Be light in this dark world. It’s not rocket science. It’s often not easy, but it’s not rocket science.