Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Thanks for Caring

Hey, here's an original idea! Why don't I spout off about the Rona? As they say: "another country heard from". I wasn't going to until I could come up with some angle that no one else had used (or at least, I hadn't read/heard it). So, although I'm using information from other sources, they will be incorporated in my unique perspective.

 Firstly, let's stipulate to some points:

       Covid-19 is real

        I don't want to make anyone sick

         I don't want anyone to make me sick

         your chances of getting sick from it are slim

         your chances of dying from it are even slimmer

       just living is dangerous

         we're all going to die

Now that we've got these lofty concepts out in the open, let me say that in spite of these, there has to be a limit on idiocy as it relates to these concepts. Simply put (for you Democrats out there; ha ha just kidding; not really) when the cure becomes worse than the disease; you better find another way. The cure became worse than the disease early on, and has only worsened with time (which is another bizarre aspect to this whole farce, as typically with time and perspective, you figure things out; but not with the Chinese Flu). 


Wearing masks has progressed (or maybe regressed is more accurate) from an option for people to exercise to public shame and government mandates. Social distancing, hygiene measures, reduced capacities, and other extraordinary measures to combat the "deadly" pandemic morphed into forced closures of businesses and unemployment. All in light of hard data demonstrating that Covid was not nearly as deadly as originally feared and that the severe measures have been largely ineffective in diminishing outbreaks but are causing immeasurable personal and economic tragedy. Not to mention the trampling of our civil liberties and the cowering of a significant portion of the population who are comfortable as sheep. 

If I hear one more official (hypocritical of course, as they are getting busted for violating rules for all others faster than I can keep up) or anyone else, say that it's about concern for yourself and others, I may elbow them to the temple (figuratively of course). There is no one more concerned for others, than a follower of Jesus Christ. We're also quite competent at taking care of ourselves. But even taking Christ out of the equation (which of course is an even bigger problem, but I digress) even heathens deserve to live their own lives and not be under the thumb of tyrannical leaders. 

So our civic leaders are concerned for our health? Okay, thanks to statistics provided by    Way of Life Literature; riddle me this. In a typical state tens of thousands of people will die every year from the following causes: cancer, heart disease, accidents, stroke, 

diabetes, drug overdose, flu (yes, regular old flu), kidney disease, firearms, suicide, homicide. I'm not sure where motor vehicle deaths fit into the above, but especially as it relates to drunk driving, it has its own special impact. Now we could argue till the cows come home (not sure exactly how long that is, but it's a long time) about causation being biological versus environmental (lifestyle), but clearly lifestyle choices have a major effect on most of these conditions. Point being, why don't the great protectors of our health and safety (you know, the ones behind ruining people’s lives and our way of life through draconian measures) take aim at the culprits contributing to these conditions?

 Cancer: Ban cigarettes. The link between smoking and lung cancer has been known for decades. Eliminate any known or suspected carcinogen as any ingredient or from any product.


Heart disease: Smoking again. Intensely regulate the amount of cholesterol and all fats by limiting or outlawing Big Macs.


Diabetes: Candy (did somebody say: chocolate) only on Halloween, Valentines Day, and birthdays (with documentation of recipient's date of birth). Pop (sodas for y'all south of the Mason/Dixon line) regulated by states. Probably more lenient in the south where the battle against obesity has mostly been lost, along with most of the population's teeth. 


Drugs: Make them illegal (oh yeah, they already are). Actually enforce the laws and promote a national campaign that drug addicts are dangerous to society and need to seek help for their problems and remove the victim label.


Flu: refer to Covid precautions as they are spread in similar fashion and can both cause death.


Kidney Disease: might want to eliminate drugs and alcohol.


Firearms: Guns don't kill people, people do. You're stupid! Take away guns and whiteout the 2nd Amendment.


Homicide/Suicide: See above plus lets close bars and actually categorize most alcohol as an illegal dangerous drug (I actually think this is a good idea, but want to stay on topic here).


Accidents: Well, this is a large and sticky wicket. So let's outlaw high powered motor vehicles where people can crash into each other at high rates of speed. Outlaw other such dangerous activities such as: boating, downhill skiing, hunting, living in Florida (hurricanes, gators, sharks, zombies, and tourists, just to name a few), living in Chicago, motorcycling and so on and so forth. Whatever the Illuminati or Gretchen Whitmer deem as potentially leading to death (pretty much anything after getting out of bed in the morning, but let them make the call).


Okay, I can hear you all saying I'm just being nonsensical. Well, yes and no. Either our great benevolent protectors are concerned for our health or they're not. If that concern leads you to tell me to wear a stupid mask that interferes with my perfectly healthy respiratory system, that I can't go to school or work and interact with people as a social creature, to avoid visiting loved ones who are lonely (aren't we all) because I possibly could transmit this virus to them that might make them sick and that they could then  face a .0005 chance of dying from said virus; then why doesn't that concern transmit to the more dangerous aforementioned activities? You got nothin'; I thought so.

The reason we are allowed to do so much of what we darn well are pleased to do is because of liberty, freedom, rights; whatever word you want to apply, it's all the same. Men and women died for our right to make choices; even stupid ones. But we make them (as we should be allowed to do; right or wrong), and it's a dark day in our country when authorities are trying to take these choices away. The popular phrase these days is: "follow the science".

I am and it doesn't lead to where these buffoons have taken us. This thing is arguably no more serious than the flu or other illnesses (swine flu, zika virus, HIV) and none of these devastating lockdown measures were implemented. It is certainly much less dangerous than many of the lifestyles people are free to pursue. 

If the government truly cared for us, the  last thing they would do is close down

 churches. Nothing is more essential than a relationship with Jesus Christ. Not only for our emotional maladies, but for our collective eternities, because at the end of the day it doesn't matter what takes us out of this world; we're all leaving. The next stop is Heaven or Hell. If people directed some of their fear of Covid into fear of God , that final destination would be more reassuring.