Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Comfortable Christianity

Before you get all worked up and think I’ve started the local Joel Osteen Church of Smiling, take a breath. I’m not describing comfortable in the sense of a cushy lifestyle with nice things, but comfortable like a pair of broke in jeans (sounds like a commercial). Not comfortable where you’re not feeling persecution (catching a little heat as it were); comfortable like wearing your faith on your sleeve, no matter the slings and arrows.

It amazes me (actually that’s wrong, it annoys me) how many people are comfortable in their idiocy. They walk around with their underwear hanging out, or wearing stupid t-shirts (think poopy emoji), ugly tattoos, spouting profanity, and other similar gems. We at least have to admire their total lack of self-consciousness. We should be as bold in our love of Christ, not giving a rip what anyone thinks. Even I (yes, this guy!) worry about my witness being over the top; about making those around me uncomfortable. Unfortunately, I am enough of a coward to not want to make myself uncomfortable too. Our Savior died on the cross. The Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, the cross is an offense; comfort does not enter the discussion!

Interestingly, Christians don’t (typically) offend anyone just by being Christian. Even unbelievers can be good citizens and find offense to behavior, dress, language, and such that Believers object to. Nobody has a problem with Christians until they take a stand for Jesus. That can take different forms such as witnessing or refusing to provide a service (think bakeries and weddings); perhaps in the form of a protest against abortion or homosexual rallies. People like that Christians are not going to hurt them, steal their stuff, sleep with their wives (or husbands), keep them up late at night with loud music, or flaunt scantily clad flabby bodies covered in ugly tattoos. What they don’t like is being told that their life without Jesus is a train wreck (I’m paraphrasing the Gospel here). But too bad. We’re commanded to tell them what they need to hear. Of course I’m not promoting the goal of offending the unsaved. I am promoting to unashamedly proclaim the Good News without concern for “feelings”. If the Gospel is offensive to one, they have much bigger problems than a bruised ego. We Believers should exclaim as did Thomas Clarkson did in Amazing Grace, “shame on them”.

So how do we go about realizing these objectives in a reality based scenario? The first (and I believe easiest) step is to not be part of the problem. Check yourself, before you wreck yourself (or more accurately, your witness). Get the beam (or beams) out of your eye, before you concern yourself with others. Be considerate of others; apply the Fruits of the Spirit, as you earnestly try to emulate Christ. Consider what things you may have liberty in that may cause another to stumble. Secondly, my weak attempts at humor not-withstanding, gently approach those who you may be led to witness to. Remember that new Christians (babes in Christ) can only handle spiritual “milk”, so imagine how delicate one must be with the unsaved (the unborn again?). Just as in abortion discussions, it can never be forgotten that the unborn are to be loved as much as anyone walking the streets. The unborn again are to be loved by us and not treated as hopeless causes. All the “surface flaws” may be real, but let’s be real too. If we are, then they may become very uncomfortable about being comfortable in their unsaved state. 

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Why Be Normal?

Christianity is rampant with misconceptions and prejudices. We’re either deranged, stupid, perverted, weak; the list could go on. But I know two things: These adjectives don’t describe me and there are many other Believers who could make the same claim. True Jesus Followers are the antithesis of these sorts of persons. We shouldn’t be too surprised with these views as during these days, evil is called good and abnormal is called normal. With His perfect creation good and normal were synonymous, as nothing was not good, so only good existed – ipso facto, it was normal. Continuing, evil and abnormal were (and are), anything deviating from God’s perfect plan. For example, adultery and homosexuality which clearly are evil and abnormal from God’s perspective (the only perspective Believers should be concerned with), are often celebrated as normal and good.

Great – so what? So, let’s stick to our guns and encourage one another. Just as when an ignorant individual makes a snarky comment and to offer encouragement to not take it to heart someone says, “consider the source”, we have to consider the source of the many snarky comments we will endure: the world. They just don’t get it. Nobody “gets it”, until they get Jesus.

My relationship with Christ has made me more emotionally stable, intelligent, moral, and yes, even physically stronger; than I could ever be without Him. Emotionally stable due to all the comfort derived from His promises in the Bible. Intelligent, because of my intimate connection to the omniscient God. Moral, as I strive to become more sanctified with the Holy Spirits constant guidance. Physically strong, as even non-believers understand the direct correlation between a healthy mind and body. All of these things contribute to making me a better husband, father, son, friend, and citizen.

My feeling is that much of the ridicule (if not animosity), directed towards Christians in this county is driven by jealousy. Even the heathen admire the qualities of a truly converted Christian (how could you not), but they know it is unattainable for them unless they renounce their ways. But of course, that is the rub. They can’t, because they won’t. As with any unconverted person; they enjoy their sin. He is long-suffering and does not desire any to perish, but many do. Not because God doesn’t want them; they don’t want God.

This becomes clearer as I get older and observe others my age (59), and above, who still happily gallivant through life paying no heed to things eternal. They babble endlessly regarding Facebooking, latest cellphones, politics (maybe), cars, and a myriad of things that will not last. Of course we see the folly, but more often than not, to point this out to them only creates friction as they want the things that bring them pleasure for a season. These are intelligent people who exhibit discipline in their lives in many areas. They hold/had (if retired), good jobs, provide for their families, perhaps play a musical instrument, or follow a workout program. They employ the “Golden Rule” to a large extent. In short, you wouldn’t mind having them as neighbors. This only illustrates that people are unsaved because they reject Christ. Accepting Christ is not hard to understand. I would say it’s not even as demanding in a human effort sense as perhaps being an accomplished musician or an elite athlete. God has made it brilliant in its simplicity. He has designed the plan to entirely remove any human credit for coming to Him, but has left in all the blame on us for rejecting Him.

So, let the unsaved world go on in their false sense of normalcy. Many of those who do, have made their choice. As Jesus Followers, let’s continue in are “abnormal” sanctified behavior. Trying to grow in holiness more and more, and when we get the opportunity, share with those who want to hear: “why be normal?”