Monday, January 2, 2017

Dirty Laundry

I was inspired to write this post after being encouraged by what I heard on a radio broadcast of Stand To Reason. STR is a organization that promotes intelligent Christian apologetics (my interpretation; to check it out for yourself go to:
On the program aired on Jan 1st (I believe recorded from this past summer), the host expressed his disdain for the various news outlets; due to their biased perspectives, concentration on “bad” news, and the reality that much of the information serves no useful purpose. We can’t do much about it, and it only serves to upset people or cast a general pall over things. I found myself in total agreement and encouraged by one as intellectual and well-travelled as the host. Using this as a jumping-off point, I want to develop this further.
My lack of interest in most mainstream news sources (i.e. major networks, newspapers, cable sources, etc.), is based on the following realities:
-         it’s typically liberal and bias
-         it caters to society’s baser nature: dysfunction, scandal, violence, etc.
-         it’s repetitive
-         rarely directly or indirectly effects the audience and therefore:
-         serves no useful purpose
-         only goal is number of viewers and advertising revenue

That it is typically liberal in it’s slant, hardly needs further elaboration. You don’t have to view very long to see how causes such as Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ “struggles” (have they added any more letters lately?), abortion, “peaceful Islam”, illegals; on and on ad nauseam – are promoted as righteous. While everything conservative (certainly the Christian right), is denigrated.
When these things aren’t being shoved down our throats; people’s stupid/sinful behavior is. I’m not the busiest guy in the world, but even I don’t have time to waste on the typical drek we’re subjected to. How many accounts of road rage, mass shootings, football players doing drugs or beating up some woman, school bullying, homosexual issues, “terrorist attacks” in various parts of the world, and murder and mayhem in general is enough? I believe that in the vast majority of examples; any amount is too much.
Setting aside a Christian worldview for an instant; why should anyone need to know about a fatal traffic accident on the other side of the country, or a killing spree 1200 miles away (unless the perpetrator is heading your way), factories closing, a celebrity court case, or a kidnapping? If it doesn’t alter your life directly; you don’t need to know. Bringing the Christian worldview back easily explains why people have an appetite for this: mankind is inherently flawed and therefore enjoy gossiping about the trouble of others or use the misfortune of others to feel okay about themselves. At the very least; they’re incessantly nosy and always searching for an escape from the truly (only), important concerns: knowing God’s Will and implementing it. I am convinced that more people could relate 10 news stories illustrating all matter of chaos, than could repeat the 10 Commandments.
Of course, my observations are neither new nor unique. Pop/Rock star Don Henley wrote “Dirty Laundry” in the early ’80’s; recognizing the problem, but offering no solutions. John MacArthur has stated that the modern media has subjected too much of the populace to too much violence and carnage. Young impressionable minds see more tragedy by their teens than a grown man would see in a lifetime decades ago. There are many who claim the world is no worse (even better), than it was decades ago; it’s just that the media is omnipresent (everyone has a camera-phone), so more is being exposed. To those I say: “Ignorance is bliss, so you must be very happy”. Not only is more being exposed; there is more to expose. In His Word, God tells us that things will be worse in the last days. They’re certainly going to get worse, before they get better (for Believers). For those who reject Christ; things will get worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, then – well; you know!
Many will accuse me of having an unloving, separatist attitude toward the world. But I tend to not get too worked up by the criticisms of reprobates. I can display no more love than following God’s statutes and telling others about Jesus when given the opportunity. I am certainly in the world, and just as certainly, not of the world.
The only “news” I’m really interested in is God’s News; the only good news in an eternal sense. Sure, there are “nice” stories sprinkled in about people doing “nice” things for others, but nice in a civic sense is not synonymous with Good, in an eternal sense. These stories also have to be kept to a minimum, as nice doesn’t sell nearly as well as bad.
The last observation related to this regards the emotion expressed by many as it relates to the “tragedy du jour”. Every story has to have the accompanying saddened, shocked, surprised, or angered witness or concerned party. The news outlets depend on these as the “cherry on top of the sundae”. For those of us who understand we live in a fallen world, surrounded by sinful people; much of this junk could be anticipated (in a general, not specific sense). It certainly isn’t surprising; let alone shocking. It can make one angry (this one, anyway), but He allows us righteous anger.
So, with deference to a line from A Christmas Carol: my walk with the Lord and the business of the day He presents to me, occupies me constantly. We’re not to be transfixed with the lives of others. Other than the Bible; read biographies about great God-fearing men and women (not exposes on “famous” celebrities), classic literature, and history for example. This is all the news you’ll need.